Chapter VI: Mercilessly

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As Delora made her way through the castle corridors, she struggled to contain the storm of emotions swirling inside her. Despite her stoic façade, her mind was a jumble of conflicting thoughts and feelings.

Finally reaching a dimly lit room at the far end of the manor, Delora found Corbeau waiting for her. She entered, still catching her breath from the recent ordeal. As their eyes met, she noticed a subtle change in Corbeau's expression, a glint of something unfamiliar.

Though Corbeau's face betrayed little emotion as he observed her torn and bloodstained dress, Delora couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. She could feel it in the way he looked at her.  

Corbeau's gaze fell on the grisly trophy in her hand, and though he remained outwardly composed, Delora sensed a flicker of understanding in his eyes. 

"Why him?" Corbeau's question was neutral, but laced with curiosity.

"He had it coming," Delora replied icily, her voice dripping with vindication. "He was a monster—a killer, a thief, a manipulator, an abuser,'' Delora took a moment to look down at the corpless head in her hand before lifting her gaze back up towards Corbeau, ''and a rapist."

Corbeau's expression remained cold as he processed the gravity of Delora's actions. The death of the eldest Lovell heir would undoubtedly have far-reaching consequences throughout the kingdom, given the family's influence.

The Lovell house, her family, had always been closely entwined with the Duralli house. They shared more than just a border; they shared assets, with the most significant being the Amethyst mine that lay nestled between their estates.

But it wasn't just about resources; it was about power. The Duralli house had served the king of the empire directly for generations, providing some of the finest knights to both the king's army and the Church. Attacking one of the two most powerful houses in the region carried implications far beyond what met the eye.

The ripple effects of her actions would be felt not just within the walls of her family's estate but throughout the entire kingdom. The delicate balance of power that had been carefully maintained for generations was now in jeopardy.

As they stood together, Delora holding her brother's severed head, Corbeau realized that everything had now changed. This wasn't just about personal vendettas anymore; it was about power and politics that could shape the fate of the entire kingdom. Things will start to crumble down as soon as words spread that the Lovell's only heir was assassinated. 

"What were you up to while I was gone?" Delora's gaze bore into Corbeau, her eyes searching for any hint of betrayal or deceit.

"Just following your lead," Corbeau replied carefully. "Is that why you were so eager about the prophecy? Because you knew you'd kill him?" Corbeau probed further, trying to understand Delora's true intentions.

"Why are you suddenly asking so many questions?" Delora challenged, her defiance palpable.

"Just trying to understand the bigger picture," Corbeau replied, careful not to reveal too much. He knew that Delora's trust was a fragile thing, and he couldn't afford to lose it now. 

With a final glance at her deceased brother's head, Delora made her intentions clear. "Let's go home," she said, and in a flash of her hand, they were gone.

With a lingering gaze at her deceased brother's severed head, Delora's resolve became unmistakable. "Let's head back," she declared, and with a swift motion of her hand, they vanished.

As they reappeared in her manor's hall, a rush of conflicting emotions swept through Corbeau. He couldn't help but marvel at Delora's power, tinged with a hint of apprehension at the depths of her capabilities. Yet, beneath it all, a twinge of envy gnawed at him. How had she attained such extraordinary abilities without a trace of training? There was so much about her that remained shrouded in mystery, even to him.

"Be back in three days," Delora commanded, her tone brooking no argument, as she anticipated Corbeau's usual departure. Without waiting for his response, she walked away, leaving him with more questions than answers. 

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