Chapter XXII: Yandra

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Delora emerged from her estate, the falling snow creating a white blanket around her. As her right foot advanced, an unexpected shift occurred, transporting her into the woods that bordered the main town. Swiftly, she pulled the hood of her brown cape over her head, hoping to conceal her distinctive silver hair, which might draw undue attention.

Navigating her way along a rocky path that led to the town's southern entrance, Delora was greeted by the tantalizing scent of fresh bread and onions, a comforting distraction from her tumultuous emotions.

Caught in a fleeting moment, her gaze met the intensity of an elderly woman's stare. Delora walked past the woman, their locked gaze holding an unsettling undercurrent. She questioned the reason behind such a piercing look, further fueling her already conflicted emotions.

"Miss," a deep voice broke the silence, reaching Delora's ears. An amalgam of annoyance and caution surged within her as she hesitated, unsure of what to expect from this encounter.

Turning to face the source of the voice, Delora met the gaze of the enigmatic woman. Dark eyes sparkled with an emotion that defied Delora's attempts at easy characterization – perhaps a blend of kindness and animosity?

"Come closer." Tentatively, Delora approached the woman, the air thick with both annoyance and wariness. The woman's hand delved into her apron's pocket, withdrawing a vial that she offered to Delora. "Take this, darling."

Delora's eyes locked onto the vial's contents, a dark red, golden liquid that resonated with a sense of magic. The sight hinted at the presence of black magic, its disturbing nature raising Delora's guard.

"Who are you?" Delora's voice, though stern and assertive, belied her uncertainty. The woman's response came in the form of a sinister grin.

"There's a taint within you, child. I sense it," the woman's voice accompanied a subtle shake of the vial, urging Delora to take it. "Accept it."

Delora's slender fingers extended, accepting the vial. Her eyes scrutinized the liquid's depths – a closer examination solidified her suspicions. This was no ordinary substance; it contained the blood of a Yandra deer.

"How did you acquire this?" Delora's voice betrayed her bewilderment. Yandra deer were sacred, elusive creatures – their blue, scaly bodies imbued with potent magical abilities. Protected by the church, harming or killing a Yandra deer carried severe consequences.

Before Delora could receive an answer, her gaze was drawn upward to the spot where the woman had stood. However, the mysterious giver had vanished into thin air, leaving Delora with more questions than answers. Her fingers tightened around the vial, her unease amplifying. Ignoring the implications of the Yandra deer's blood, Delora chose to sidestep the knowledge of these sacred creatures.

Turning on her heel, Delora retraced her steps, sliding the vial into her brown hood's pocket. The woman's presence lingered as a sinister omen, but for now, Delora's immediate focus was paying Zephyr a visit.

Through the bustling town, Delora maneuvered, avoiding physical contact with the townsfolk. Her path meandered through backroads, until a familiar alley came into view – Zephyr's hideout. Casting a final glance over her shoulder to ensure no prying eyes, Delora transported herself into Zephyr's home.

Zephyr reclined casually in a chair, his foot propped atop the nearby table. A book occupied one hand, and his gaze lifted to meet Delora's entrance. Unfazed by her presence, he nonchalantly closed the book, revealing his apparent anticipation of her arrival at this very moment.

"In the air, I sensed your visit today," Zephyr's smile held a note of unease, a departure from his usual playfulness. "What brings you here?"

Delora chose to dismiss the odd atmosphere, though she couldn't ignore that something was amiss.

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