Chapter XX: Cogency

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Delora returned Corbeau's coat with a stoic expression before walking past him and swiftly teleporting herself into her room. Inside, she stood still, her breath trembling as she attempted to collect herself amid the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. If her suspicions were true, the situation might be far more dire than simply dealing with the  Baron Tullig. What she had planned started to go astray. The hardest obstacle was no longer the Baron, but Valeria. The more time passed, the further her father got from her grasp. Valeria's relentless determination and unfathomable knowledge left Delora feeling lost within her own ruminations.

How was Valeria able to access such vast information, especially about rare creatures like the Wrunix, of which little was known? Despite Delora's best efforts to outmaneuver her, Valeria always seemed to be one step ahead, as if she possessed an ability to foresee the future – which was completely absurd. 

One thing became clear – Delora could no longer keep Corbeau by her side. He needed to leave, and never return. The façade of their years-long partnership had reached its inevitable end. Delora knew that Corbeau had been aware of this, as evidenced by his final goodbye; he hadn't returned inside.

The more Delora dwelled on it, consumed by her anxiety and fear, the harsh reality crystallized before her: she couldn't place her trust in anyone. The weight of her life and the impending danger forced her to confront the uncomfortable truth that the only person she could truly rely on was herself – and perhaps an individual she had always hesitated to associate with. Her pride once forbade any connection with him, but with her back against the wall, she realized she had no other viable options.

Determined to see this through to the bitter end, Delora understood that everyone had become her adversary, and her very existence hung in the balance. Failure was inconceivable until her father's lifeless body was laid to rest in the cold ground. The stakes were far too high, and she would go to any lengths necessary to secure her victory.

In her heart, Delora knew that the next and final option was an entity she could trust implicitly, even if it desired to betray her. Unfortunately, the price to contract with such a being was steep and demanded careful consideration. She had to weigh the cons heavily. Was she prepared to risk her life attempting to eliminate the last remnant of her family, or would she rather meet her demise after successfully eradicating her entire lineage? The latter option ensured absolute victory, but it also spelled certain death.

Taking a moment to contemplate her fateful decision, Delora shed her nightgown, hastily selecting a green corseted dress from her open closet. As she adorned herself, she glanced to her left, her gaze drawn to the reflection in the mirror hanging on the wall.

Her own eyes stared back at her, and an unsettling emotion churned in her stomach. For an instant, she felt a wave of dizziness as if she could no longer recognize the person before her. A deep-seated self-hatred washed over her, but it was nothing unfamiliar. Delora had never known joy or true love; her existence was intertwined with wickedness. From the very beginning, she was destined to be the villain in someone else's story.

The realization of her ultimate trump card snapped Delora back to her senses, steeling her resolve to take a step further into the idea. This powerful resource was one she was prepared to wield until it burned out completely.

Stepping out of her room, Delora made her way to the end of the hallway. With a flick of her wrist, she unlocked the door that had always remained sealed. As she entered, the room showed a vast library. Bookshelves lined every wall, while books scattered haphazardly across the floor.

Delora raised her hand, and the specific book she sought soared into her grasp. It landed in her palm, its old black leather cover exuding a mysterious aura. Unnamed, this book held secrets more valuable than its unassuming appearance suggested.

Turning its pages with purpose, she found what she was looking for. Leaving the library, the door slammed shut and locked itself behind her, guarding its contents from prying eyes. Delora returned to her room, ensuring that her own door was securely locked.

Kneeling on the floor, she placed the open book before her, and her eyes fell upon the word written in dark ink - Eligos. Beneath the name lay a complex magical diagram, composed of interconnected circles.

Delora raised her palm once more, and the dagger resting on her nightstand gracefully found its way into her hand. Her eyes fixated on the gleaming blade as she hesitated one last time. The path she was about to choose meant surrendering her soul, though she doubted its value to begin with. But to tread this dark road was to forgo any chance of luck or salvation; her life would inevitably meet its end once her purpose was fulfilled. Was she truly prepared to seal her own fate, irrevocably and definitively?

With a resolute decision, she slid the knife across her bare arm, and the crimson flow of blood confirmed her answer. Yes, nothing - and she meant absolutely nothing - would deter her from achieving her goal, regardless of who may fall or perish along the way, including herself. 

Using her own blood as ink, she carefully traced the intricate diagram from the book on the wooden floor. Eligos, the great demon, the grim reaper of war, would be her ally. Renowned for his undefeated prowess in past battles, he possessed powers beyond comprehension. No other being could aid her better. 

Eligos was closest to a deity, but he was the furthest from anything good. The people that sought after Eligos sought after chaos and vengeance, nothing close of the greater good. 

Hastily crafting the diagram with her free hand, she placed her palm over the lines, allowing its warmth to intensify. Summoning such deities demanded an extraordinary amount of magical power, a level she had never before attempted to reach. As the heat in her palm escalated, it grew so intense that it scalded her skin. The pain became unbearable, and tears welled up in her eyes. Just as she was about to scream, the searing heat ceased, leaving her in a state of breathless relief. Panting from the ordeal, she clutched her injured wrist, feeling the pain slowly recede.

Yet, when she looked up, there was no sign of the being she sought to summon. Defeated and humbled, she sank to the floor, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. The realization struck that her magic had proven insufficient. Her overconfidence had outstripped her ability, leaving her unsuccessful.

Delora stood in silence, her mind a whirlwind of contemplation. The weight of her desire to harness the power of Eligos hung heavy in the air, almost tangible.

Delora's gaze shifted to the open book still lying on the floor, its pages revealing the answers to her questions. The diagrams and symbols beckoned her, promising power beyond comprehension, but also warning of the risks involved. She knew that the process demanded not only immense magical prowess but also an indomitable will and a heart resolute in its purpose. A thought came to her- maybe her resolve wasn't strong enough. 

The seconds stretched into minutes as she wrestled with her inner turmoil. The walls seemed to close in, pressing upon her, and the silence amplified her thoughts, urging her to reach a decision.

Finally, Delora stretched her injured hand forward, placing it over the diagram, ready to try once more. Before she had the time to, a voice erupted behind her, shaking her out of her thoughts.  

''Who are you?'' A deep, unknown, guttural voice resounded, and Delora froze in place. Fear, a sensation long-forgotten, crept under her skin.

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