Chapter XI: Expiry

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The night draped itself in darkness, with only a sliver of moonlight offering scant guidance to Delora on her solitary journey. She lingered in the shadows, concealed from prying eyes, her golden gaze ablaze with determination tinged with a hint of apprehension. Her thoughts focused solely on the task ahead—putting an end to the Duke.

With practiced ease, Delora shut her eyes and delved deep within herself, tapping into the wellspring of power coursing through her veins. It was a gift she had safeguarded from most, a formidable ability to manipulate space and time at her whim.

Her mind drifted back to the night she had first unveiled her teleportation prowess to Corbeau—a moment of vulnerability, a rare instance when she had entrusted him with one of her most closely guarded secrets.

Yet, as she stood alone in the shadows, poised to execute her mission, a bitter taste of betrayal lingered in her heart. Corbeau had breached her trust in ways she struggled to comprehend. His motives remained shrouded in darkness, leaving her to wonder if he had exploited her vulnerability against her.

In the blink of an eye, the world around her shifted, and Delora found herself in the courtyard of the Durelli mansion. Its grandeur juxtaposed against the pervasive darkness that permeated its walls, serving as a fortress of corruption where the Duke indulged in his nefarious pursuits.

Her movements were silent as she navigated the courtyard, evading the vigilant gaze of patrolling guards.

Approaching the main entrance, she discerned the sounds of revelry emanating from within. The Duke hosted a lavish feast, surrounded by sycophants reveling in his power and opulence.

Delora glided with the stealth of a shadow, closing in behind the Duke who stood, oblivious to her presence, immersed in his smug confidence.

"Good evening, Duke," she intoned, her voice cutting through the nocturnal hush. Recognition flashed in his eyes, tinged with a primal fear that had eluded him for far too long.

"Delora," he faltered, his voice quivering with trepidation. "What do you want?"

Pressing the cold edge of the dagger, concealed in her grasp all along, against his throat, Delora's gaze burned with unyielding resolve. "I want the key," she demanded. "The key to unlock the basement."

Feigning ignorance, the Duke's face contorted in confusion, a feeble attempt to mask his guilt. "The key? What key?" he feigned innocence, his voice dripping with false ignorance.

Delora saw through his charade, her patience waning thin. "Don't pretend you don't know," she retorted, her tone laced with contempt. "The key to the basement, where you hide your 'valuable treasures.'"

Nervous laughter escaped the Duke's lips as he persisted in his deceit. "Ah, yes, the basement. It's just a storage area, nothing more," he deflected, his eyes betraying his unease.

Unswayed by his deception, Delora's resolve hardened. "I've heard enough," she declared icily, her grip tightening on the dagger. "Give me the key, or I'll take it from your lifeless body."

The Duke's façade crumbled, fear flickering in his eyes as he reluctantly relinquished the key. "Here it is," he surrendered, his voice tinged with resignation.

With swift precision, Delora seized the key, her grip unyielding on the dagger.

In one fluid motion, before the Duke could call for help, she lunged forward, the cold blade slicing across the Duke's throat. His pleas for mercy dissolved into gurgles of agony as blood spilled from the wound, staining his attire.

As life ebbed from his eyes, Delora withdrew the dagger, leaving the Earl's lifeless form crumpled on the ground. There was no remorse in her gaze as she surveyed the man who had once wielded power over her.

Drawing a deep breath, she turned away from the scene, her path leading her toward the estate's entrance. Although Zephyr had only asked to assassinate the Duke, Delora couldn't leave without doing this one thing. She also knew time was of the essence, the guards would soon discover the lifeless body laying in the garden, and she must vanish before anyone sees her. 

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