Chapter XXIV: Familiar

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Delora's gaze was fixed on the orange-hued night sky, her thoughts wandering in their own realm. With the departure of the estate's servants earlier that evening, she found herself unburdened by human concerns.

"Did all of this really transpire in just the past few months?" Novice's voice broke through Delora's contemplation. She directed her attention downward, where Novice was seated on the balcony floor. Snow didn't seem to bother him, and for once, he was dressed more appropriately, sporting actual pants and a coat. Delora had briefed him on her current predicament, placing her utmost trust in him.

Having access to Eligos' mind-reading abilities, shared with her through their pact, Delora had taken the liberty of delving into Novice's memories. She found nothing of concern—most of his recollections involved the joy of flight, hardly a red flag.

"Yeah, it's been a whirlwind. I also made a pact," Delora responded, causing Novice's eyebrows to furrow in curiosity.

"A pact? With whom?" Novice inquired.

"Eligos, the Great Duke of Hades," Delora disclosed.

Novice's eyes widened. "You sold your soul?"

Delora leaned her arms on the balcony rail, the snow acting as a cushion. "Yes, but it's inconsequential in the grand scheme. Destiny has a date with my demise. At least now, I have a say in how."

Delora's voice remained devoid of emotion, a characteristic Novice had grown accustomed to. Looking up at her, he detected a hint of sadness and compassion in her eyes. Delora might have been shaped by a harsh world, but she hadn't let it erase her innate goodness. In her own way, she had been kind to Novice, saving him twice from the brink of death. He owed his life to her and felt a deep sense of friendship, something they reciprocated.

"I'm in this with you, Delora," Novice declared, his resolve unwavering.

Delora's chuckle, rare as it was, escaped her lips. "You're quite the bird with a plan."

Novice's irritation was palpable. "I'm not just a bird, you know. I can transform into whatever is needed. I could be quite useful."

Delora's smile softened as she regarded Novice. "I appreciate that, Novice. But I believe I have enough support."

They shared a wordless moment, finding solace in the serenity of the night. Unbeknownst to Delora, Novice was committed to standing by her side. Shapeshifters had their own unique abilities, including the capacity to sense emotions. Novice had felt the gamut of Delora's feelings whenever they were together—her profound sadness, the isolation she concealed, her simmering anger, and her unyielding despair. He might not have known her history or the factors that shaped her, but he sensed a compelling reason underlying her actions. He couldn't fathom leaving her to face her struggles alone.

"What about the entity within you?" Novice's voice shattered the silence.

Delora's attention was piqued. "What about it?"

"How does it function? Will it be of assistance?"

Delora clarified, "It's like an insurance policy. As long as they're alive, I can't die. Eligos is going to lend me his powers when needed."

Novice drifted into contemplation. Little was known about Eligos, the demon. In general, the realm of demons was shrouded in mystery, with summoning them considered an unlawful act, punishable by death.

"What's your next move?" Novice's gaze met Delora's.

"Tomorrow, I'll retrieve my Wrunix to bring here. I need to prepare. I plan to visit Baron Tullig's estate in a few days. Given Valeria's foresight, I'm certain she'll be there, waiting."

Novice's curiosity surged. "Why haven't they come for you? Surely they know your whereabouts?"

"Why bother when they're well aware they'll finish me off on their terms? It's all part of the prophecy." Delora raised her hands, invoking a thin blue veil that draped over the estate. Novice watched in awe as it gradually settled, its vivid hue gradually fading to transparency.

"What was that?" Novice asked, his excitement palpable. Life in the woods hadn't afforded him much exposure to magic.

"It's a veil, concealing the estate from prying eyes. To outsiders, the grounds appear vacant," Delora explained.

"Absolutely amazing!" Novice's eyes shone with childlike wonder. Delora's magic, for the first time, was acknowledged and admired. A soft chuckle escaped Delora's lips, a rarity that kindled a warmth within her.

"It's getting late, Novice," Delora noted.

"Could I spend the night here? It might be lonely for you."

Delora considered the proposition. While solitude never bothered her, Novice's presence would be welcome.

"Very well," Delora conceded, turning toward her room accompanied by Novice. 

For the first time in a while, a sense of serenity settled over her like a gentle mist. Amidst the storm of impending conflict, she found an unexpected calmness, if only for a fleeting moment. Despite the looming challenges, an odd tranquility enveloped her. Novice's unwavering loyalty and companionship had finally managed to crack the hardened shell around her heart. In her solitary world, Novice had emerged as her only true friend, a rare connection she now cherished.

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