Chapter XVI: Persuasion

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''The least I can do is make your trip to your death smooth-sailing. Let me help you,'' Zephyr offered, his lips now mere inches away from hers.

A part of Delora was tempted by his offer, drawn to the idea of having a powerful ally by her side. But she knew better than to trust anyone so easily.

"You crave love and warmth, it's the reason why you are who you are now. Let me temporarily be that warmth," Zephyr said, his voice soft and soothing.

"How can I trust what you say?" Delora asked, her instinct to be cautious kicking in. She knew better than to trust someone so easily, especially when they seemed to know so much about her.

"The woman you are seeking," Zephyr paused for a moment, his eyes locked with hers, "She's been working with Corbeau. He's actively been betraying you, but you knew that, didn't you?"

She had known that Corbeau had been keeping secrets from her, but she had hoped it was not a betrayal that would lead to her downfall.

"What does this woman have to do with me? What's her motive?" Delora inquired, her mind racing with questions and anger.

"She's the Baron's daughter, Valeria Tullig," Zephyr revealed, watching for Delora's reaction.

As she absorbed the revelation, Delora's mind began to race with questions. How did Valeria know about her plans? How had she become involved?

She had calculated everything meticulously, setting a series of events in motion to provoke her father's wrath. Her plan had been to eliminate her eldest brother and the Earl, knowing that her father would be driven to seek revenge. Her father was a coward, and she anticipated that he would resort to using his influential power and connections to find a way to finally kill her.

Delora had predicted that her father would first turn to Viscount Caaz for assistance. Over the years, she had overheard conversations in the Lovell's home, learning that the Viscount was involved with mercenaries from the south. He had used them to rise to power, promising them riches in exchange for their loyalty.

She knew that the Viscount and her father had a mutual financial benefit from their alliance, so he would readily offer his support in eliminating Delora. Her father would see her as weak, just as he had left her years ago, believing her to be powerless and easily disposed of by mere mercenaries. He would never suspect the power she had cultivated and the world she had created for herself. To him, she was nothing more than a nuisance, a bug to be squashed by his hired hands.

she knew that once the Viscount was taken care of, her father would turn to the Baron for protection. The Baron was known for his formidable magical powers, surpassing those of the Lovell's family. He would serve as a shield for her father, using his magic to shield them from any potential threats.

Delora knew that her father's plan would be to have the Baron neutralize her, making use of his powerful magic to ensure her demise. But little did her father know that Delora had also grown in magical prowess. 

Zephyr studied Delora's expression, his keen eyes capturing every nuance as her plans seemed to crumble before her. Despite the setback, he remained undeterred, intrigued by the woman before him.

"If you haven't noticed yet, you are on your own," Zephyr remarked, his voice smooth and confident. He knew the Baron would prove to be a formidable obstacle, and Delora would need assistance to navigate the treacherous waters ahead. "You will need me. The only thing I want in return is to see how far you'll reach before you die."

Zephyr was like a puzzle Delora couldn't resist solving, his enigmatic nature pulling her in like a moth to a flame. His knowledge and intelligence were like a powerful aphrodisiac, and she found herself captivated by the depth of his understanding.

There was a dangerous allure to Zephyr, an allure that both intrigued and frightened her. She knew that getting involved with him could lead to unforeseen consequences, yet she couldn't deny the desire that pulsed through her veins.

Delora's mind was racing, torn between her independent nature and the realization that she might need help to accomplish her goals. She couldn't deny the allure of having someone like Zephyr by her side, especially if it meant gaining an advantage over Valeria and understanding the mystery of her foresight.

"Find out how Valeria was able to know I would eventually reach the Baron," Delora finally responded, her voice resolute. She had accepted Zephyr's offer, recognizing the value of his assistance and the potential insights he could provide.

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