Underswap Papyrus : Broken No More

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Request by 0-Mari-0

Half human half monster (as gender neutral as possible) reader with healing magic.
Both monster and human worlds aren't blocked by the barrier.

"Yes be careful on your way home, enjoy the rest of your day." My happy facade dropped as the last student left. I've been working at this royal guard academy for a whole year now, being close friends with Undyne and her girlfriend Alphys got me a good ticket into the job. I'm good at what I do, but it gets tiring. "H-hey Y/n." "Evening Undyne, I'm about ready to sleep all day tomorrow."
Undyne lightly laughed as she helped me clean up the mess from all the wounded students. "I-i am quite positive that T-there's a rule on fight outside of practice."
"Yeah, there is. It's not just that either, Alphys gets a little too into it at times." I tossed a bloody paper towel in the trash from cleaning a student's open cut.
I work in the infirmary of the academy and do this thing on the daily, but today was more busy than usual. Undyne is the only other person who knows about my healing magic, she found out on accident. She backed up my idea about keeping this ability to myself, though the remedies I make are a way I can use that power to heal.
It's not healthy to never use the magic you have, so I found a way to hide that magic but still use it.

"Alright, well I'll be off then Undyne. You and Alphys be safe on your way back home." "You be safe too Y-Y/n."
I flung my bag over my shoulders and left the academy, ready for sleep to take me when I got home. Once I was in my room I closed the curtains and took all the heavy pieces of clothing off, leaving me in just my underwear. I can finally let my features breathe. My mom was bird monster from back when the underground was barricaded and my dad was human, I have my mom's luscious f/c feathers that shimmered in the dim light and her healing abilities. My dad was a doctor, so that only amplified it. My feathers peeked out from my ribcage going upward and from my hips following the curve in a v shape. The small wings on my head popped out too (length depends on how long you have your hair).
I looked in my mirror and saw myself, a beautiful middle ground between monster and human kind. "Mmm, a shower will do nicely." I said to myself and took a glorious shower.

It was passed midnight when I heard my phone ring as I was reading 'To Kill A Mockingbird', the caller ID was Alphys.
Now why would she call at this hour?
I picked up and was met frantic movement from the other end, "Oh thank God you picked up." It was Undyne using Alphys' phone? "Undyne? What's going on?"
"Y/n Alphys and I are on our way to your place, something really bad happened!"
"Will Paps be ok?" Another voice, a cheerful and familiar one came through the phone. "Wait, Paps? Did something happen to Sans and Papyrus?"
"No, just Papyrus." There goes Alphys' voice. Some grunts came through the phone, which I suppose it Papyrus.
"Alright, how far away are you guys?"
"Turning into the neighborhood now."
Alphys said as I heard the car screach.
"Ok, I'll be down in a moment."
I hung up and jumped out of bed, putting a robe on top of my pjs. I hid all my feathers and wings then rushed down the stairs, just in time for a knock to sound from the front door. I opened it and let them in giving them directions to me personally infirmary.
"Down the hallway, past the study, only door next to the study." Once everyone was in the decent sized room Undyne finally spilled the beans. "I'm so sorry Y-Y/n, I had to tell them." I understood why when I saw Papyrus' condition. "It's ok Undyne, can someone tell me what happened?"
Sans came up to me with tears in his eyes.
"Paps and I were on our way home from work when we were jumped by an anti-mosnter group, we almost won but.. But.. One of them tried to take advantage of me, so Paps took all the heavy blows before the humans took off." "Paps.... Ok, everyone out. I'll take care of your bruises soon Sans. Snacks are in the pantry and fruits in the fridge."

They all left, so I Papyrus another once over. My favorite skeleton broken in so many places. "Hang in there Papyrus." I said and helped take his hoodie and shirt off so I could get to his torso. "Ugh... Guess I'm a little boned at the moment doc."
"Glad to know you jokes aren't as broken as your funny bone. Fair warning, this will hurt." "Just do it." I snapped his dislocated arm back into place, resulting in loud pain filled grunts to come from him.
I stopped for a moment and whipped the sweat from his head. "Breathe Papyrus, breathe." I soothed him as more pained sounds from him filled the room when I mended his broken bones with my healing magic. I'm almost positive the other three could hear it from where they were.
Mend bone, dry his sweat, repeat.
I let him rest once I was done, plucking one of my feathers and using it as an ingredient for a painkiller ointment. Papyrus had finally calmed down when the ointment was done, while he was breathing heavily I gently applied the ointment to all the areas where his bones broke. "Your bones will be sore for a few days, so use this to ease the pain." He gulped and nodded, "Thanks doc." "How ever because of how fresh the injuries are you'll need to stay here for the night. I have spare clothes that might fit you." I opened the door and saw how worried everyone was. "Alphys, can you please take Papyrus up to the spare bedroom? I'll heal Sans now."
Sans rushed over and checked on his little brother, relief washing over him when he saw Paps was ok. Once it was just Sans and I, I set him on the bed and checked for injuries. "Everything looks good to me Sans, just a little bruise here on your cheek." A few small rubs of my thumb and the spot was gone.

"Good morning Papyrus, how are you feeling?" "Much better, thank you Y/n." That's the first time in awhile since he's called my by my name. "Don't worry about your little secret, Sans and I won't tell a soul." I smiled and kisses the top of his head, a thing I've come to love doing. And by the by the increase in beat rate of his soul I can tell he has too. "Alphys and Undyne will be here soon to-" I was cut off by Papyrus pulling me into his lap. "Rewards should be given to those who are kind." He said and kissed me. I could feel the beating of his soul as my hand landed on his bare ribs, making sure to kiss him back.

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