WD Gaster : Silent Whispers

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Monster reader
Underfell Gaster

Silent was all I ever was,  for fear I'd turn to dust at the hands of my boss,  or experimented on by my coworker.
Alphys and W.D. Gaster were two people you don't want to mess with,   so I never spoke and always obeyed.   Hesitation was a constant for me,  as a lot of what transpired in the lab was a lot I didn't agree with.

I clocked out since my job was done for the day,  absolutely exhausted.   I had to make the crazy trip from HotLands all the way to Snowdin,   the trip was even less pleasant as I walked through a blizzard.    One of my disobedient episodes got me the ability to see clearer in any blizzard,  the result of something Alphys was testing for possible issues for when monster kind makes it to the surface.    It's a blessing and a curse.

I tried my best to preserve as much body heat as possible,  especially since this blizzard was getting pretty bad.  

As I neared my home I passed the Skelebro house,  nearly missing the sound of a door opening.


I jumped at the loud voice and saw Papyrus,  Gaster's youngest son.    He ushered me inside the warm house and offer the couch.
I've been here so often and have visited the Skelebros so often that I'm a welcome visitor.


I shook my head with a sad smile,   they've already gotten used to my quiet demeanor.
I couldn't help but agree with him.
"Heya N/n,   how's it goin?"
I gave Sans a smile accompanied with a nod.
A simple shrug was all I could muster.
Just to get out of the conversation I pulled Papyrus into the kitchen to make them dinner,   simple Ravioli with a delectable sauce.

The table all set and pasta finished,  it was time for food.    I set a forth seating placement in case Gaster came back after I left......

But I never expected him to be leaning against the front door watching us eat.
I quickly stood up and lowered my head,  catching the attention of Sans and Papyrus.
Fear was the only emotion I felt in that moment,  and the other three in the room knew it.    Footsteps drew closer,  and with every step felt like doom was approaching.
My soul was practically begging to run and hide.

"What are you doing?"   His dark and strict voice made me flinch.
Beads of sweat started to accumulate on my face as I shrank a little more.
"Dad,   she was making dinner for Paps and I.  Last time Paps tried cooking the Lasagna caught on fire."
A moment of silence passed,  and it was excruciating.    Gaster's hum was what broke it.    "I see.  Sit and finish eating."
I let out a breath that I had been holding in and sat down,  still not lifting my head as Gaster served himself.

"Stop looking down,  you look weak when you do that."


He notices me when I'm doing that?
He said when,  not while.
I lifted my head and slowly panned my gaze from Sans, to Papyrus,  and then Gaster.
All three of them looked quite pleased as they ate.   With as much power as I could gather I opened my mouth and...

"Papyrus helped..... "  the voice that came out was rough and gravely from many a year of lack of any use.

Sans and Papyrus looked shocked at me talking,  even Gaster looked shook.
I cleared my throat and put some ravioli into my mouth.

"The storm is getting worse,  I do this mind you staying the night."

The food in Sans's mouth practically dropped back on to his plate.

Gaster brought me a warm black turtleneck shirt to use for the night,  I was even given the option of a shower.   What is happening?!    I stepped out of the bathroom in the nicely hugging turtleneck, 
hair/feathers/fur lightly combed through.
I stepped into Gaster's room and saw him looking out at the crazy snow through his window.    I sat on his bed watched with him.

"Why?"  I silently whispered,  making him turn to look at me.   "Why what?"
"Why are you being so kind to me?"
My voice wavering between a whisper and slightly above a whisper.

"I did not know about Alphys experimenting on you until I found a few... Files.... I guess you could call them.   Not even I would stoop that low on a fellow scientist."
He knelt in front of me and traced the scars under my eyes.    "How many succeeded?"

My hands touched the hand he had placed on my cheek.

Silent Whispers came through my lips.

"My eyes."

I reached toward my soul,  pulling it out to reveal scared puncture wounds and a dull (two soul colors) soul. 

"My soul."

I placed the soul into his hands and lifted
The turtleneck to reveal a scar across my stomach near my abdomen.

His breath hitched as my soul faltered at these experiments.

"You can't give birth anymore."
That was Alphys last cruel punishment.
I had always wanted children,  but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Who knew this cruel man could be so soft?
He further surprised me by showing his own soul,   giving it to me while he held mine.   He guided me to lay down in the bed and turned the light off,  leaving us in darkness with the soft glow of our souls.

Our souls the beat together.

He left off the night with a soft kiss to my lips.

"I have always loved you,  I just didn't know how to approach you with these feelings.   Know that Alphys will have what's due her."

I simply nodded and let sleep take me.

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