Napstablook : Obsessed

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Yandere Napstablook x monster reader
Requested by Yosieplayz

They're gone.
All of them.
He took them all and killed them.

His hauntingly beautiful voice echoed through the Waterfall's caverns.    My heart aches everytime he calls me like that.   He was and still is my one and only love,   but he quickly turned on everyone once he thought they were a threat.   I still love him so much,  I'm also just as afraid.   The best way I can put it is he's obsessed.
"Please.... Come back.... "
My chest squeezed at his sadness.
This happens whenever he can't find me after a day.    I've been on the run for 4 weeks now,  just surviving and getting by.
Traveling across the Underground is exhausting,  especially when no one will greet you when you arrive somewhere.
I let my exhaustion bring me to fall asleep,  hoping that Napstablook will head to Hotlands or Snowdin.

I dreamed about when everything was ok,  before he became the way he is.   Frisk,  Undyne, Alphys, Sans, Papyrus, Mettaton.
They were all still alive.    We were all going on a peaceful hike through the woods,  picnic ready and everything.
I hear my name and turn to my beloved ghost,  only to see he was ahead of me talking to Mettaton.

The dream faded and left me in darkness,  leaving me to feel the lips that pressed against mine.   I opened my eyes and saw Waterfall leaving a blue glow in the air,  illuminating Napstablook.
"Y/n....please stop leaving me.    I can't live without you,  why do you think I got rid of every monster but us?    I am yours and yours alone.   Please don't leave me,  I'll dispose of anyone who falls here if I have to."   He was practically bawling in my lap,  grasping at my clothes to try and hold on to me as much as possible.   Through his tears he beggingly kissed my hand.
"Napstablook,   you didn't have to kill every living thing.   I had no intention of leaving you from the get go,  sometimes I just need some space."    His kisses stopped and he pulled away.    He slumped down next to me and quietly cried.   It wasn't the best idea to comfort him right now,  he wouldn't learn if I did.

"Did I ....hurt you that much?"
"A lot yet,  everyone I ever knew is gone except for you."
"I'm sorry Y/n,  but I couldn't let them have you.   They would've taken you away from me.   Please forgive me for hurting you."

Earn my forgiveness, ok?  I'm not mad,  I just want you to learn on your own."
"*sniffle*  ok."

And done

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