Grillby : Simply Burgers and Fries

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Monster reader

I lost my job,   go figure.
I trudged to a bar over in Snowdin,  planning to waste myself away.
A skeleton was cracking puns as I entered they bar while drinking Ketchup,  some of them were actually funny.   I sat at the bar and watched until a knocking noise came from the wooden bar,  I turned and saw a fire monster.    He didn't talk,  but it felt like I could understand him.   I put down the needed amount of G and asked for a drink with burgers and fries.     "Echo Moonshine please."   (Moonshine but made with Echo Flowers)

3 cups later

My vision was blurry as tears wouldn't stop pouring from my eyes,   I had been complaining about my job.
"I don't know why the dropped me.   I didn't what I was supposed to.    MarshHollow and it's sugary sweet yet toxic exterior,   I needa move away.   I'm a doctor who saved lives,  I was one of their best."    I was very drunk at this point in time,   spewing my sorrows to the bar tender and stuffing my face with the best fries ever.   Only then did I realize that it's just him and I.
"I never got your name."  I sniffed.
It was silent,   but it felt like he was talking and that I could hear him.

"Im Y/n."
I felt so exhausted as I finished my last fry and laid my head on the table.   He picked me up and carried me to an inn near by,   he payed for a room and set my on the bed.

I passed out the moment my head was careful placed on the plush pillow.

I sat at the bar the next morning and drew patterns on the wooden bar.    Grillby came around and nodded to me.
"Morning Grillby,   sorry for being a drag last night."   He shook his head but looked happy.
"What'll it be Y/n?"

"Simply burgers and fries,  with some (berry/citrus) juice."

I spent every moment that Grillby was available talking to him and telling him about what I did as a doctor.

"Since humans are more common with the barrier broken I've been helping to learn about and treat them in the best way possible.   Many of the plants down here are work well with surface medicine!  It's so fascinating!"

"Amazing."  It was nice to see him fascinated too.     The rest of the next few months of job searching and becoming a doctor for Snowdin was worth me being fired.
Snowdin is definitely better than my previous home,  I ain't leaving anytime soon.  Plus I like Grillby,  and boy did that skeleton Sans get a kick at telling me that I'm Grillby's favorite.    The fire monster turned pizza k when he found out he did that.

Worth it I tell ya.

Worth it.

Undertale OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora