I Don't Need You. (DirkJake)

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Song of the chapter: Never Too Late - Three Days Grace


Your name is Jake English and you would have never guessed living with someone would have been so hard.

At first the two of you set out simple rules of what you can and cannot do and what you are and aren't allowed to touch of each others belongings. You don't know what the fuck happened but suddenly it seemed like Dirk hated your mere existence and you had no idea what you even did wrong, mostly because he wouldn't let you know.

How it all happened was quite weird, to say in the least. 

You were sitting on the couch with Cal, watching a nature documentary about Meerkats when all of a sudden Dirk smashed into the room, pissed as hell and looking like he was ready to break shit. You quickly muted the television and turned to look at him, creasing your eyebrows down.

"Dirk? What the blazes is wrong?" You asked in utter confusion. He stomped over to you, grabbing your shirt collar and pulling your face close to his.

"What the fuck did you do with my glasses?" He demanded, the words he spoke dripping like venom from in between his clenched teeth. That's when you noticed that his usual dumb anime shades were no longer perched on his face. You blinked slowly staring admirably at the beautiful Amber colour of his eyes. You blinked a few more times before refocusing on the topic at hand. You shrugged.

"I don't know what you're implying." You answered simply clenching your hands into fists, fully prepared to defend yourself. Dirk tossed you back in the couch roughly, his glare piercing through your soul.

"What the fuck ever." He growled, marching to his room and slamming the door. You sighed, glancing sideways at Cal before slumping into the couch.

"Why is he so worked up over his darn shades. I've never understood why he loves those things so much." You mumbled to no one in particular. You sighed deeply again and stood up, readjusting your joggers and T-shirt before silently walking to Dirk's room. You knocked softly and waited for a few moments before knocking again, but louder.

"Dirk? Would you mind opening the door?" You called through the solid wood. He didn't respond which made you sigh again. "If you open the door I'll help you find your dumb glasses." Suddenly the door swung open and Dirk stood before you.

"'Dumb glasses'?" He quoted you, chuckling. "Fuck you." He added bitterly, pushing past you and walking to the living room. You've had enough of this.

"What in tarnation is wrong with you lately?" You yelled, your facial expression becoming hard and angry.

"You constantly messing with my shit!" Dirk hollered back slowly moving toward you.

"I haven't been messing with any of your stuff because I don't want things like this to happen!" You growled. Dirk just shook his head in disbelief.

"Why don't you just go stay with Jane until I'm back on my feet." He mumbled angrily, flipping over couch cushions. You shook your head.

"No. I'm staying here."


"Because I'm helping you find your stupid anime glasses."

"Why?" He asked again, seemingly knowing that he was pressing your buttons.

"Because I care, gosh darn it! I care about you and you mean a lot to me and if your stupid glasses mean that much to you, then you bet your ass I will help you find them!" You yelled, your hands clenched into fists as your face went up in flames. "I just care about you a lot and I don't like when you're mad at me." Dirk scoffed and shook his head.

"I don't need your help. I don't need you." He said finally, the harshness in his voice piercing through your heart. That hurt. A lot.



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