Happy Birthday, John! (4/13)

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Song of the chapter: Centuries - Fall Out Boy


John smiled and looked around at all of his friends who surrounded him. Everyone finished the last note of the Happy Birthday song and watched as Nannasprite brought out at least four cakes at once, with the help of Jaspersprite, of course. John smiled at his Nanna before chuckling awkwardly.

"Nanna. You went overboard again." He said watching as she set the cakes on the table. She looked over to her grandson and scowled.

"I did not! This is the correct amount of cakes for how many people are here, Johnny boy." She answered before floating over to the nearest body, which happened to be Rose. "But, if you ever want more, I got another in the oven." She said, winking and floating back into the kitchen, Jaspers right behind her. John face palmed and sighed.

"Hah. Sorry about her. She just..." He trailed off. "Really loves baking." He finished, chuckling awkwardly. There was soft laughter through the room. He smiled and glanced around at everyone once more.

"Thank you guys for coming. It means a lot." There were scattered "You're welcome"s and a few 'aw's. The blue eyed wonder blushed slightly and laughed awkwardly, again. Suddenly, he felt a hand on the back of his head and his face got pushed into the cake before him. He jumped slightly before his face came in contact with the dessert in front of him. When his face was thoroughly smushed in the cake, the hand was removed and John lifted his head, blinking a few times. He was unable to see anything, considering his glasses were covered with frosting and his eyes were sort of foggy. He slid his glasses off and immediately looked over at Dave who was smirking with satisfaction.

"Dude." John said while laughing. He punched Dave in the shoulder, while reaching for a napkin. Instead, his fingers found a thick sticky substance. He creased his eyebrows downwards and quickly cleaned his glasses off on his shirt so he could see what he had blindly stuck his hand in. He placed his glasses on his face and his face went pale when he saw what his hand went in.


A huge puddle, right on the table. He looked around to see everyone dead. In many different ways. Head cut off. Stab wounds. Throat sliced. Tears started rushing down his cheeks. He heard breathing from behind him and just as he turned around he-

John sat up in bed, breathing heavily and sweating a lot. He frantically looked around his room, starting to calm down, but tears still welled in his eyes. It was a dream. All a dream. Just a horrendous nightmare. But he only still had Jade, Jaspers, Nanna, the consorts, and Davesprite. Another lonely year. Another lonely birthday.

"Happy" birthday, John.


Uh. Oops? Okay, this was going to be this big, awesome, happy celebration then I realized that I never wrote any sort of sadstuck in this thing yet so I decided, 'Hey. Why not make all the readers hate me on 4/13?'
So that's what I did. I'll try and post something else more upbeat and happy/silly later today to try and make up for this. Pls don't hate me. ;-;

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