Homo. (DaveJohn)

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Song of the chapter: We're My OTP -Troye Sivan


        Dave yawned as he started up Egbert's laptop. He needed it for another one of his infamous projects he was working on and John, being the kind little fuck he is, allowed Dave to borrow it for a couple days since Strider broke his while fucking around with his Katana.
He typed in the password then opened up Chrome. He hated, hated, Internet Explorer with a burning passion. Anyway, just as he was about to type in the website he noticed a little bookmarks folder labeled 'Stuff ;B' and, Dave being Dave, got curious and opened it right the fuck up. His Ruby eyes widened slightly when endless, literally endless, tabs of porn popped up. But it wasn't normal porn. Oh no. It was gay porn. John fucking Egbert watched gay porn.
He scanned through the folder and noticed a little document that was untitled. He debated for a moment on whether or not to open it. At last, he decided there was no more harm to be done so he clicked the god damned thing and guess what he found. Guess what the fuck he found. John's fucking diary. Jackpot. Jack. Fucking. Pot. 
Dave smirked as he started skimming through it, only stopping to read parts that piqued his interest. After he finished the last page his smirk had turned into an awkward poker face as he slowly shut the laptop lid. He reached over and picked up his phone, finding Egberts contact and pressing call. After a couple rings, John picked up.

"Hey." He answered, yawning shortly after.

"Yo, Egdork, uh." He had no idea what so fucking ever on how to word this. John was on the other end of the line, growing more and more impatient by the second.

"Spit it out, dude."

"I think you're gay." Dave word vomited. The blue eyed wonder sat on the other end of the line, his face completely expressionless.


"Dude, I don't care that you are but I would have appreciated if you'd have told me instead of my finding all of your porn and your internet diary."

Yup. There it is. There's the embarrassment. 
John's usual tannish skin went pale. After the smug Strider didn't recieve a response, he continued.

"Do you really think I'm a 'hot piece of ass' and 'ten out of ten would fuck me'?" The blonde asked, reciting the lines from his memory. John just shoved his face in a pillow to refrain from screaming. Dave smirked, well aware of what he was doing. He waited a few moments before speaking up once more.

"Don't worry. You ain't the only homo, bro."

John raised an eyebrow at this before it dawned on him. He stared at the wall in front of him intensely, trying to decide on whether or not Dave was joking.

"Wait. So," He paused for a moment. "You're gay too?"

Dave leant back against his headboard, crossing his long legs in front of him as he smirked.


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