Put a Ring On It. (DaveJohn)

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FIRST ONE! How exciting.

Song of the chapter: Ride - SoMo


John is currently looking through all of the drawers in the house to try and find his headphones that he seemed to have misplaced.
He's halfway through the first drawer on Dave's side of the bed when he finds a red rubber ring thingy. He picks it up and stares at it, raising his eyebrow and promptly walking out of the bedroom to find Dave to show him. He spots the platinum blonde on the couch, watching Ridiculousness. He pads over and stands in front of him, showing the thing.

"Look at this weird ring I found!" He states, holding it out toward the albino. Dave's eyes widen slightly behind his douchey shades and he is completely perplexed as to why his boyfriend is, oh so nicely, displaying Dave's cockring to him. He blinks his Ruby Red eyes a few times before speaking.

"John. Put that down." He says whilst slowly rising from the couch. John continues to inspect it, completely oblivious to the fact that it is Dave's vibrating cockring. He finds a small button, his curiosity completely overwhelming at this point.

"Hey. What does this button do?" He questions, more to himself than to Dave. He then presses the fucking button.

"JOHN!" Dave yells, palming his face. John's eyes widen as soon as he feels the soft vibrations tickle his hand. He stares at Dave as silence ensues. Nothing is heard besides the soft 'brrrrrv' coming from the cockring. John's face is completely emotionless, Dave mirroring.

"Dave..." He trails off for a second. "What is this?" John's voice is calm even though he slightly freaked out. Dave is staring at his feet, trying to not burst into laughter at his boyfriend's cluelessness.

"I- er- um." He snorts softly and immediately places his fist over his mouth. He composes himself once more then speaks. "What do you think it is?"
John looks down at the red rubbery ring lying in his palm. He looks back up at Dave, a completely confused look obvious on his face.

"I don't know. Some kind of massager?" This sends Dave into laughter. Laughter so hard no sound came out. Laughter so hard that he is on his knees and holding his stomach. As Dave is on the floor laughing, John is glaring at the red ring in his hand, trying to come up with what it may be. His thoughts are interrupted by Dave finally getting off the fucking floor, a shit eating grin present on his face.

"Babe, that's a vibrating cockring." He says, his grin sliding into a smirk. John's cheeks slowly redden as it all processes. Dave steps closer and entertwines his fingers with John's.

"Why don't we go try it out?" He purrs into the brunette's ear as he starts tugging John into their shared bedroom for some midday 'fun'.

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