Sick Fairies. (JohnDave)

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Song of the chapter: Don't - Ed Sheeran



John looked down to the small child and smiled.


"Where's Fairy?" The four year old tilted his head, looking up at his father.

"Fairy's at home, really sick." John answered, holding open the door for the child before entering himself.

"Why are we here?"

"Because we're gonna buy medicine so Fairy can get better faster." The brunette answered, receiving I small squeal and huge smile from the toddler. He hoisted the child up, holding him in one side as he walked to the direction of personal care section.

John stood in front of the rows of medicine, balancing his son on his hip.

"What about that one?" Aiden asked, pointing to a bottle titled 'Viagra'. John snorted and shook his head.

"That's not for colds. Its for..." He trailed off, biting his lip. "Body Aches!"

Aiden nodded thoughtfully and concentrated on all of the medicine in front of him, like he know what was what.

"That one?" He asked, pointing to a Nyquil and Dayquil two pack. John smiled, grabbing the liquid nasty and nodded.



"I am NOT taking that nasty ass shit." Dave rasped, crossing his arms. John growled lowly and just before he was about to say something, Aiden bounced into the room.

"Daddy? Why isn't Fairy taking his get better stuff?" The small blonde asked, tilting his head.

"Fairy doesn't want to get better." John answered matter-of-factly. A look of horror and sadness swept across Aiden's features.

"But Fairy. I want you to get better so we can go to the park again." He said, his bottom lip quivering as tears welled in his eyes. Dave's eyes widened.

"No. Hey don't cry." He said, swiftly taking the small cup of horror from John and quickly downing it. "See? I'm gonna get all better."

Aiden perked up, a wide smile stretching his lips. John smiled too, placing a kiss on Dave's cheek.

"Good Fairy." He mumbled and Dave chuckled, gently nudging his boyfriend.

"Shut up, Egdork." He teased back lovingly. Aiden made a disgusted face.

"Groooooooss." He yelled causing his two fathers to go into a laughing fit, also causing Dave to go into a coughing fit.

"No! Fairy don't die!" Aiden screamed, running over and hugging Dave's legs. Dave chuckled, picking up the small child and holding him tightly before rubbing his nose against Aiden's.

"Fine. I won't die. Just for you." He said placing a soft kiss on Aiden's temple. Just then an idea popped into his head. "You wanna take a nap with me?" He asked receiving an enthusiastic nod from the toddler. Dave walked over to the bed, lying Aiden down and slipping off his little shoes before climbing into bed next to him, pulling the blanket over the both of them and almost immediately falling asleep.

John smiled adoringly at the scene, whispering a soft 'sleep tight' before shutting off the light and walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

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