Of Drawings & Forgiving Cuddles. (JohnDave)

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Song of the chapter: Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran


        John sat in his and his boyfriend's shared bedroom, focusing all of his attention on the comic, of him and Dave, that he was drawing. He had Fun by Troye Sivan playing softly in the background as he was putting the finishing details on it. He sat back and let out a soft sigh, glad to finally be done with it. His wrist was aching from drawing, outlining, and colouring. A small smile danced on his lips as he stared at his work. He quickly paused the song and grabbed his drawing, quickly walking out of the room to go find Dave. First, he checked the living room. No sign of Dave. Then the kitchen/Dining room. Still no Dave. Finally he walked into Dave's study, where, in hindsight, he should have checked first. He saw Dave hunched over his laptop, obviously very focused on whatever he was doing. He looked pretty frustrated as well.
John bit his lip, mentally debating on to leave or to give Dave the drawing now. He decided on the latter. He thought maybe his comic would make Dave feel better. 
He quietly padded over to his boyfriend, timidly tapping his shoulder. Dave sideways glanced at John before going back to his work. He didn't even bother to take out his headphones. John was slightly hurt at this but still persisted by tapping Dave's bare shoulder once more. He immediately regretted his decision when he heard the low growl come from the blonde as he ripped his headphones from his ears.

"Can you fuck off and let me fucking work for Christ's sake?" Dave's voice pierced through the air and right into the brunette's heart. John was so hurt that he crumpled up the drawing and threw it on the ground, stomping on it before storming out of the room.
Once he was alone in the bedroom, he broke down in to silent sobs. The kind that shake your body and cause a huge pain in your chest. 

        A while later John heard the door to the bedroom open and shut. John simply kept his back facing the door, staring at Dave's side of the bed.
Dave hesitated momentarily before walking to the bed and sliding underneath the duvet beside John. Dave immediately wrapped his boyfriend in a hug. John laid there not hugging him back but also made no move to pull away. He just laid there, restraining himself from cuddling into Dave.
There was a moment of silence before Dave spoke up.

"I'm sorry." The blonde's voice was thick. That was one of the ways that John knew Dave was going to cry or was already crying. John let go of his grudge and wrapped his arms around Dave's torso.

"It's okay." John said softly, clutching to Dave who shook his head and hugged John closer.

"It's not. I neglect you. I take you for granted even though I am so, so, so, so lucky to have you and to be able to call you mine. I love the feeling of waking up next to you or waking up to you making us breakfast because you know how much I like those cheesy gestures. I love cuddling up to you when it's cold or just because we need it or I need it or you need it. I just love you. and I wouldn't trade you for anything. Not a single fucking thing."

John smiled at Dave's cheesiness. He enjoyed and cherished moments like this. Moments where Dave would express his love for John in words along with actions and just go off on a rambling spree about how lucky he is to have John and how much he loves him. So, instead of saying anything, John slid ontop of Dave, intertwining their hands and pressing his lips to Dave's. It was his way of saying what he couldn't put into words.

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