Sick Days. (DirkJake)

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Song of the chapter: Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood


        "What the hell is that?" Jake inquired as he watched Dirk work on a new project. Dirk simply continued working on the new animatronic thing, ignoring Jake's question. This action annoyed the brunette extremely. He spoke up, trying once more to gain his boyfriend's attention.

"Dirk!" He yelled into the blonde's ear. Dirk paused for a moment to put his earbuds in so he could block out Jake. The green eyed adventurer was taken aback slightly by this. Dirk usually never ignored him to this extent. And it hurt. He didn't try to get his attention again, instead he walked out of the room, out of the house actually. He didn't grab his phone nor leave a note to tell Dirk where he was going. It was quite chilly outside, considering it was the middle of fucking February, that was to be expected.
He walked for a while until he found the park where Dirk and him would go during the Summer. He sighed softly, walking over to sit on the almost completely frozen bench. He didn't know why, but he started sobbing. His cries echoing on the trees around him and he honestly didn't care. He was hurt by Dirk's actions and so he cried, though he'd deny it later on. After he finally got that over with, he just sat on the bench, remembering the stupid shit they'd do whenever they came here, like play on the equipment, push each other on the swing, etc. He sighed deeply and drew his knees up to his chest, his arms completely numb from the cold at this point.

        Jake was about a second from falling asleep but someone had gently shoved him over. He looked up to see a very, very pissed off Dirk.

"Why the fuck did you leave without letting someone know where you went?" He demanded, his Amber (?) eyes watering behind his tacky anime shades. Jake was stunned slightly before shrugging. Dirk scoffed, pulling the brunette to his feet.

"You're explaining yourself at home." He said, tugging Jake in the direction of their apartment harshly. Jake knew better than to protest at this point, so he just let Dirk drag him home.
When they finally reached the warmth of their flat, Dirk started rambling and yelling at Jake.

"What the fuck? I was so fucking worried about you. Do you not get that you can't just wander off without telling anyone where you're going?" He paused to slide his glasses up to the top of his head before wiping his eyes harshly with the heel of his hand. "I was so scared that something happened to you."

Jake sighed and curled into himself on the couch, rolling over until his back was facing Dirk.

"I'm sleeping on the couch tonight." He said, his voice slightly muffled by the leather. Dirk went from hurt, to angry, back to hurt, then finally a mixture of the two. Hangry.

"Fine." Was all he said before flicking off the lights and walking back to their bedroom, slamming the door which caused Jake to wince. He groaned softly before tugging his grandmothers quilt from the back of the couch and wrapping himself in it, enjoying the warmth it provided. He easily drifted off into a nice sleep.

Dirk awoke the next morning to vomiting sounds coming from the bathroom. He stood up, not bothering to put on his glasses, and went to check on Jake. He stood in the doorway, arms crossed, staring down at his boyfriend who was hunched over the toilet.

"Do you see why you shouldn't go outside in the middle of the night in fucking February?" He asked, cringing at the sound of vomit hitting the toilet.

"Shut up, asshole." Jake mumble before his body lurched again, more disgustingness erupting from his body. There was about five more minutes of this before Jake was finally able to pry himself away from the toilet bowl. He pushed past Dirk and started walking toward the couch but was yanked back and tugged toward the bedroom.

"You're sick so you're laying in bed. Not on the couch." Blondie said as they reached the room. He motioned for Jake to climb under the covers in which the brunette happily complied, enjoying the softness of the bed.
"Let me go get the thermometer, okay?" He said, walking off to the bathroom. Jake nodded slowly before letting his head rest on the pillow. He was close to falling asleep until he felt warm hands patting his face gently. He opened one eye to look at Dirk who had a thermometer in hand.

"Open mouth. I need your temp." The blonde said while holding the tip of it near Jake's mouth. Jake obeyed and parted his lips, allowing Dirk to shove the plastic doodad into his mouth.
"Make sure it's under your tongue." Jake replied with a soft 'mm' as he waited for it to beep. When it finally did beep, and removed from Jake's mouth, Dirk checked the number. 108.9. Holy fuck. He glanced down at Mr. English, who already had his eyes closed. Dirk pressed the button, turning the themometer off and setting on the bedside table before crawling under the thick blanket next to Jake. He pulled the sick little shit into his arms, making a side note to smack Jake, for scaring him so bad, when he's not sick.

Jake, on the other hand, was smiling slightly, moving closer to Dirk and nuzzling into his chest. One last thought running through his mind before he fell asleep.
'I should get sick more often.'

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