Our Song. (DirkJake)

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Song of the chapter: I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz


Jake let out a content sigh as his gaze shifted through the dance floor, his eyes never staying on one person or couple for long. Subconsciously he tapped his fingers on the table, humming along with the song they had playing currently. His eyes slid shut as he imagined if Dirk would have came. He could be like those happy couples on the dance floor, smiling and laughing with their partner, genuine love and happiness emitting from them like heat waves.

He sat there like that for a few minutes longer, his mind drifting off to many things. He was startled as someone tapped his shoulder, making him jump and gasp from shock. He parted his eyelids, momentarily glaring up at the figure before his eyes widened and his mouth practically dropping to the floor. There he stood. There stood the almighty Dirk fucking Strider in a black tux with an orange tie.

"Dirk? What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Jake asked, joy filling him to the brim. Dirk shrugged, glancing off to the side momentarily before looking back to the overly-happy green eyed cutie.

"I got bored. Remembered you were at this lame-ass place. Decided to come." Dirk answered, shrugging like it was no big deal. A wide smile stretched Jake's lips as he rose to be sort-of eye level with Strider.

"You came here just for me? Aw, how sweet of you." Jake teased, his grin never fading. Dirk shrugged again, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. They both paused as a slow song started up, neither knowing what to do. Dirk surprised Jake by outstretching his hand, an unnoticeable blush present on his usually pale cheeks.

"Would you," Pause. Deep, nervous breath. Tug at the collar. Face palm. Random mutters. Uneasy smile. Another deep breath. "Would you, like to, uh, dance? With me?" Stuttering. How cute. Jake nodded, smiling lovingly at Dirk, who lead him through a couple people to the outskirts of the group slow dancing. They got into the position. Yes, it was very awkward at first. Both very ridged and very nervous. Within a few seconds they were able to not look so awkward and looked more like two people in love, enjoying a dance together. Jake laid his head onto Dirk's shoulder, his eyes falling shut. The song ended and another slow song started, both recognizing it. Jake smiled slightly, completely happy with how things were now.

"When I look into your eyes

It's like watching the night sky or a beautiful sunrise

There's so much they hold." Dirk sang softly into Jake's ear, a blush creeping up both of their cheeks. Jake was smiling so fondly, impressed by how amazing Dirk's singing voice happened to be.

"And just like them old stars

I see that you've come so far

To be right where you are

How old is your soul?"

The timing of the song seemed to synchronize with their swaying so perfectly.

"Well I won't give up on us

Even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up."

Jake was still trying to decipher on whether or not this meant anything because, you know. Slow dancing with your best pal while he's singing a love song to you is the most hetero thing ever. Jake removed his head from Dirk's shoulder, looking up to Strider. Just as he was about to speak he suddenly felt Dirk's smooth lips pressed against his own. At first, he internally screamed. Second, he kissed Dirk back, happy as hell to finally be in this position after so long of daydreaming. They pulled away, blushes so bright that they practically glowed in the dark.

"No hetero?" Jake asked, lying his head back on Dirk's shoulder. The blonde chuckled softly, a small smile at the corner of his lips.

"No hetero."


HEYYYYY! Okay, so I'm going to /try/ to keep up a schedule of updates for this. So possibly like weekly updates. Maybe? Yes? No? Idk I'll figure it out at some point.

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