Chapter Twenty-Three

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Meanwhile, the sailers that Jack had been forced to stay with when he was a bit younger had decided to come for him. They had figured out where he was by asking some villagers. This was not a pleasant thing at all.

Jack hoped that after he left, they would never want him again, but he was wrong. They still need him. Even if he was injured, which he was, they still desired him. It was of course because he was very skilled in sneaking around unseen, for the most part.

The two ventured into the village of Arendelle, receiving glares and fear from the villagers all around. The children hid with the mothers and the fathers aimed to protect their family from these strange and rough strangers.

Ramian and Quinn, the two that were now standing in the middle of the village in ragged clothing and long scraggly beards. They were absolutely frightening to everyone around. A couple of guards came over to investigate what was going on.

"May I ask what is the trouble here?" One guard asked the two. Mischievous grins spread across their faces. "We are here to find our little assistance. He was wondered off and now we want him back. Their yellowed teeth and ragged looks clearly told that their "assistance" was not really a "assistance."

Lovesick [Jelsa] [Paused]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz