Chapter Twenty

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[Quick author note: Could you guys follow my friend @melybug? I know I've given her a shout out before but I think she is a pretty good writer so why not!]

With Elsa and Jack in the position they were in, it didn't take long for them to begin getting nervous. "I-I'm sorry...I s-shouldn't have done that..." Elsa stuttered softly. "Y-Yeah...and maybe I-I shouldn't have let you..." He replied while stuttering. Both shared an awkward smile.

Admittedly, Jack wanted to kiss here again and again, but he figured that he mustn't do that. They just met, after all. But he couldn't help but feel as if he had known her for ages. "So, um, Jack? How is your leg? I saw you crying..." He looked down at his leg then back up at her.

He didn't want to tell her how bad it hurt. "It's fine...really." She didn't believe him at all. "Oh really? Then if I do this, it won't hurt." Reaching towards his wounded leg, she placed her hand on it. His eyes widened and he bit his bottom lip to keep from shouting.

Elsa smirked slightly, which concerned him a bit. "Um...Elsa?" He questioned her nervously. Without saying anything in response, she moved her hand up his leg slowly. His eyes widened as he watched her. "E-Elsa! W-What are you doing?!" Still without any words, she trailed her hand up his body to his face.

At this point, he was freaking out. His heart was racing, his face a deep red, and he was shaking slightly. "W-What...?" Elsa shook her head and ruffled his hair. Leaning close to his face, seeming to e about to kiss him, she whispered to his ear, "You little lier."

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