Chapter Four

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A few months later, they were sailing yet again and Jackson was still set on the job of watching for danger. That's when he realized that the wind was picking up and dark looming clouds started to roll in not too far away. He knew what this meant. A storm was brewing nearby. By what he knew, the storm would arrive soon and since the size of the boat, they wouldn't stand a chance.

"A storm!" He shouted to Ramian and Quinn. Panic and fear shone in their normally bold eyes as they shuffled around the boat. They were trying to think of what to do since land was a ways away from the boat. "Paddle! Everyone paddle!" Quinn shouted, throwing oars to everyone: Jackson, Ramian, and one for himself.

When the storm did come, it was horrifically viscous. Rain came down, blinding the men as they struggled to move the boat. Wind tossed waves around, water being thrown into the boat, making it hard not to slip. Jackson looked over the side for a moment as he paddled, trying to look for anywhere to go; but there was nothing.

It all happened in a flash. One wave crashed over, pushing the boat down into the depths of the water. The last thing Jackson heard before he was hit in the head by a loose board and knocked unconscious, was the shouts of the two men whom he had resented so much. His mind went blank from the lack of oxygen and he began to sink.

However a miracle happened and he somehow managed to get to land. This land was one of which he had never heard of: Arendelle. When his eyes slowly opened, stinging with salt water, he coughed violently to get the water out of his lungs. He took deep raspy breaths of air as he propped himself up with his arms.

"Where...?" He murmured softly while his eyes searched the scenery. He had no clue where he was. What was wonderful news to him was he didn't die or loose his memories, but he found something out when he stood. Sharp pain shot through his leg and he collapsed to the sandy ground. It appears that he had broken his leg, which was not good.

Struggling to stand, he noticed a strange looking stick. He reached for it and crawled over, grasping onto it as he used it to stand. It helped quite a lot so he decided to keep it. Using the staff to walk, wobbling dangerously, he made his way into the village. When he made it there, everyone seemed to ignore the strange newcomer with the strange staff, tattered clothes, bare feet, and a limp.

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