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Ok sooooo I realised I haven't really done a Lourtney thing for a while... so here we go! I can't rlly remember what happened in my story it's been so long lol. From what Incan remember Courtney will be receiving an assistance dog... but I am just going to do a random part.

TW: body image issues, self harm, blood. Plz feel free to skip this chapter if need be!

 Courtney stared at herself in the mirror. Her body had gone through so much. It had delivered 5 babies, supported her family, gone through mental and physical trauma, cared for her husband, etc. So it seemed wrong for her to judge her body after all that, but still, it was an issue for her. 

Courtney locked herself in the bathroom and pulled out her skin, muscle and fat. Why did she look like this? She started to break down, on the cold tiles, and grabbed a razor off the sink. She dug it down into her vein, and scraped it along her arm, resisting the urge to scream. (AN: a don't come at me saying I think she is fat, she is definitely not and I definitely do not think that she is. it's just for the story.)

Luke knocked on the bathroom door. "Courtney, darling? You alright? We have to leave in 5 minutes."

"Yes, I am fine, almost ready." 


Courtney got dressed and covered her arm with a big Band-Aid. She wore a long sleeved shirt, even though it was quite a hot day. She took a deep breath and unlocked the door, ready to look after her kids. 

They all went to the park and the kids were playing. 

Luke came out of the bathroom ant the park and Courtney smiled at him. 

"Aren't you hot, my dear? I'm sweating and I'm in a shirt!"

"No, I'm fine." Courtney lied. She was sweltering. 

Luke suddenly looked at her with suspicion. 


"Yes, my love?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"It's not like you to be wearing long sleeves. Can I see your arm?"

Courtney showed him the one with no self harm on it. 

"What about the other arm, my dear?"

"No. It's okay."

"My dear? Have you self harmed?"

Courtney turned away. 


She turned back and looked down, nodding. 

"Can I see please?"

Courtney lifted up her sleeve, and the blood had soaked through the band aid and was all over her arm. 

"Oh my god! Courtney!" Luke's heart was shattered. "Kids! Come on! We gotta go, we need to take mummy to the hospital."

Lourtney  (Luke and Courtney) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now