Without You P1

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 On the way home, Luke tried to comfort Courtney, who was looking away, thinking about what she could do. "Courtney... I'm okay. Look! I'm driving! I am walking! It's all 100% fine!"

 "No Luke! You don't understand! It's not 100% fine! If you tour, you might die. I need you!" 

Luke was just lost for words. Touring was his life! His passion! He was not going to give it up! 

For the rest of the way home, they both remained silent. 


"Luke. Are you sure you want to go on tour?" Courtney asked. 

"My darling! I'll be fine. It's gonna be okay! Please! Stop worrying about me!"  

"Luke! You could die!!" 

"I know! But, touring is my passion! I'm willing to take the risk!" 

Courtney sobbed, nodded and gave her husband a kiss and a hug. 

So, y'all, Luke went on tour, despite Courtney almost begging him not to. I know it's short, but the next part is very interesting and long. I hope y'all enjoyed it! I have written the next part now! I will write it right after I finish writing this. Love you Lourtney Fan Clan!

Lourtney  (Luke and Courtney) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now