The Never Ending Cycle

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*At the hospital* 

"hi Luke."


"I'm Harmony, the doctor looking after your wife."

"Oh. Hello."

"Hi. Well uhh would I just be able to talk to you for a moment?"


"We might just step out here shall we?"


"So I've just been looking at Courtney's records. She has passed out before is that right?"


"Do you know the cause of it though?"

"Uhh well she'd just miscarried and uhh she decided to do some cleaning. She then collapsed."

"Okay. Umm I did a test on her when she arrived as I suspected something."

"What did you suspect?"

"She had a fainting disorder."

"Oh right. And?"

"She does. And it's serious."

"Wwwhat ddo you mmean?" 

"It's very uhh.. let's just say it's going to get worse. Umm to the point where she can't go an hour without collapsing." 

"Oh no." 

"So what will happen is she needs an animal to show her when she's going to collapse so she can lie down. Because if she doesn't, she could fall and hurt herself."


"I'll write you a  letter to get one. If that's okay or do you not-"

"No! No! We'll do it. We'll do it." 

"Okay. So I'll write you a letter and umm oh, does she Lemierres syndrome?"

"Yeah. She was diagnosed when she was 18 and had to go into-"

"Oh God!" Dr Harmony said as she ran out of the room. 

Lourtney  (Luke and Courtney) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now