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Hey guys! Thanks for your support and for reading my parts. This is not the last part. Don't worry. I never would have guessed I'd have this many ideas for my chapters! Please comment or dm me your ideas. I'd love to include them! Please read through the boring intro I have with this part, it gets interesting at the end, but you have to read the intro to understand what happens!  :) 

Well, Courtney?"  Luke said. 

"Yes?" Courtney answered. 

"We're gonna have to tell our families..."

"... yeah.."

"I know it's not going to be pleasant, but we have to tell them..." 

"I know.." 

"But you know what?"


"We have God with us. So it's all gonna be okay." 

"I know."

"Who should we tell first?"

"Probably our  parents.."


"Hey uhh Luke.. how are we gonna tell your fans?"

"Should we?"

"I don't know. I don't really want to.."

"Yeah. Me either.."

"Soo.. we've agreed not to tell them?"



"How should we tell our parents? Over the phone? FaceTime? Visit?"

"Probably visit.."


"Should we to it today?"

"I suppose so.." 

*in the car*

"Hey daddy?" Jude said. 

"Yes, mate?"

"Umm do you think it was Gods plan for our baby brother or sister to die?"

Luke sighed and he and Courtney exchanged looks. 


"But why would he want to kill a child?! Let alone my sibling! I wanna punch him!"

"Hey!  We don't talk like that! I understand your angry with God, but we don't talk like that."


"I know you are." 

"But daddy?" Phoenix interrupted. 


"Why does God kill kids? Why does God make mummy pregnant, but then kill the baby?" 

"Well, I'm not completely sure.. but the way I think of it is, God needs a variety of angels to make heaven unique. It wouldn't be unique if there's only adults would it? He needs angels of all different abilities, ages and genders. God wants heaven to be unique, just like our world."

"Hmm that's interesting.. so our sibling is making heaven unique?"


"Oh. Okay! That's cool! Hey Leo! That's cool isn't it?"


"You were half asleep weren't you?!"

"Yeah.. what happened?" 

They all laughed. 

"Here we are!"

*at Luke's parents house*

"Hey grandma! Daddy said our sibling is making heaven unique!"


Luke sighed and looked at Courtney. 

"Mum.. we miscarried."

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! Come here!"

"What's going on?" David appeared from the kitchen, where he was making a cup of coffee. 

"Hey dad.."

"Hey Luke! What's going on?"

"Umm we miscarried.."

"Oh god! Are you guys okay? Is Courtney okay?"

"Yeah.. I am now.."

"I'm so sorry guys!"

"Thanks.." they both chorused. 

"Hey grandpa?" Jude said.

"Yes?" He answered. 

"Daddy said that our sibling is making heaven unique! Is that true?"

"Yeah. Anything your father and your mother say is true."

"Hey grandpa?"


"I forgotted."

"Oh okay." 

* 3 weeks later*

"Hey daddy?!"


"Come quick! Theres rainbow!"

"Courtney, Luke, Leo, Jude and Phoenix hurried outside. 

"Wow! It's beautiful!" Luke said. 

"Yeah." Courtney agreed. 

"This is the perfect time to tell you all something.." Courtney smiled. 

Lourtney  (Luke and Courtney) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now