Joel's Heart Stopping Moment

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*3 years later, Joel has recovered from his mental health issue, but sometimes he does feel bad. He has been on antidepressants.*

"Hey darling?" Joel said as he walked over to the couch where Moriah was sitting. 


"What do you want to watch? A movie?"

"I guess?"

"Okay.. you pick."

"Oh k.."

Moriah picked Priceless and the two sat for a while snuggling up to each other.

"Babe, you want some popcorn?" Moriah asked. 


Moriah walked over to the kitchen and cooked popcorn. As she was bringing it over, she started to feel faint and the glass bowls filled with popcorn jiggled. Joel noticed something was wrong. 

"Sweetie? You okay?"

"Joel?" Moriah sounded confused.

"Yes, my love?" Joel said as he turned the tv off, stood up and walked over to her.

"I don't feel well.." Moriah said as she collapsed, hitting her head on the wooden chair as she fell.

"MORIAH!!" Joel yelled. 

Moriah was unresponsive and looked really pale as she lay in Joel's arms when he caught her.



"Oh god! What do I do?!"

Joel carried Moriah and lay her on the couch, even though he shouldn't have moved her. (Note I'm not a doctor if in doubt please seek medical attention.) 

He reached for his phone and dialed 911. 

"911 how can I be of assistance?" A male voice answered. 

"Hi. My wife has just collapsed." Joel answered almost on the verge of tears. 

"Okay, mate! I understand you're really stressed out right now, but I need you to tell me the address and the number you're calling from. This is for your wife okay?"

"Okay... umm uhh mmmmyyy aaddrrreeess iiiss uhhh 34 Franklin St Nashville (note although I know almost exactly where Joel and Moriah live, this is definitely not his address so don't go banging on that door and asking for him..) and my number is (——————-)."

"Alright, mate! Stay on the phone with me alright? We're gettin someone out to your wife. Take some deep breaths they are on their way."


"Okay they should be pulling up to your house now.."

"Oh yes.. I I I see them.."

"Okay. Is it them?"

"Iii think so... oh yes.. it's them, thank you!"

"You're welcome, and I'm praying for your wife."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome bye!"


Joel walked over to the front door and unlocked it. 

"Hey! My name's Gordon and this is Sally! We were called to see your wife."

"Yeah.. she's over there. She's not responding.."

"Alright.. well let's take a look.."

"What's her name?"


"Alright. MORIAH!! MORIAH!! This is Gordon. I'm here with Sally. We're the paramedics.. can you hear me?"

"Moriah?" Sally waited for a response. Nothing. 

Joel had tears streaming down his face. "She's dead isn't she?!"

"Mate.. we need to attach monitors to see how she's doin first k? Sally? She got a pulse?"

"Uh Hmm I think so... yes! Yep! There it is, I I I don't think... umm.. it it it looks like it's really weak.. Joel?"


"Has Moriah been on drugs or anything or Is she pregnant?"

"No. Not that I know of.."

"Okay..." Sally smiled. 


"Well, we just did an ultrasound.. looks like she's 2 and a half months pregnant."


"You didn't know?"


"Huh.. I still don't know why she collapsed though.."


"what Gordon?"

"Is the baby.. dead."

Every parents worse nightmare! 

Okay I'm out! Hope u enjoyed the story! Bye! Jk! Jk! Obviously I wouldn't leave you guys like that  but seriously though u all know me. I wouldn't just solve a problem instantly in the one part! I want my stories to be in your dreams! 😂 Wahahahahaha okay I, straight up evil arent I? 😈🥵😳

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