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Hey y'all! Thank you for the love :) I love writing for y'all! Please give me suggestions in the comments!!!!! (NO idea is stupid or nerdy!)  I NEED HELP!!!!! Btw, if I say God in here, its a prayer like OH MY GOD! The characters are praying in this section. Its what i meant lol. 

(Luke and Courtney now have 3 kids - Jude, Phoenix and Leo) Im sorry, I  have to get to the next bit and not drag it out lol. I know they have Evie as well, but in this part of the story, Evie doesn't exist. Courtney is pregnant at the moment, but not with Evie. (NOT IN REAL LIFE!!!!!) 

"How's my beautiful wife?" Luke asked as he kissed Courtney's small baby bump. 

"Great! How's my beautiful husband?" Courtney smiled. 

"Im good."

"Now! We need to get the kids sorted.... Jude! Come here please!" Courtney called out. 

"what mummy?????" 

"we need to get you dressed... what clothes do you want to wear today?" 

"Ummmmmmm! those! no those! yeah."

".....okay..." Courtney said.  

After all the kids were dressed, Luke told Courtney that he had to go to the studio. He left and then Courtney started playing with her kids.

 She started to not feel too well, but she kept playing with them. After about 5 minutes though, she was in so much pain that she had to go to the bathroom. She told the boys to keep playing and that she'd be back shortly.

 But in the bathroom, she started whimpering in agony. She felt so scared, because she was only 2.5 months pregnant, so if she was about to have the baby, it would be very bad. She cupped her head in her hands and started shaking her head. "What's happening God? Please save the baby and me! I'm so scared!" 

Just then, Jude came up to the door and knocked,

 "Mummy.... are you okay?" 

"Im fine, Jude! go back and play!" 

"No mummy! You're crying!"

 "Sweetie! I need you to listen to me carefully.... please go and call daddy and say that mummy needs him." 


*The phone call* 

Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! 

Luke: Courtney! Hey!

Jude: Daddy.. its me! It's Jude!

Luke: oh hey Jude! Everything okay?

Jude: Uhmm nooooo.... mummy said she needs me to call you... she said she needs you to come home. 

Luke: ok.... can you put mummy on the phone please? 

Jude: no. she's in the bathroom. 

Luke: Please take me to her and put me on the phone. 

As Jude got closer to Courtney, Luke and Jude could hear Courtney screaming. 

"Mummy! Daddy wants to talk to you!"

"Jude! I cant talk baby! Tell daddy I think Im miscarrying!"

Jude: Daddy...

Luke: yes mate?? Is mummy there? 

Jude: No. She said to tell you she thinks she's... what was the word mummy... oh yeah.. miscarrying.

Luke: oh my god! *breathes out heavily* 

Jude: What does it mean?? 

Luke: Uhhmm mate.. it means the baby is coming early and that... *hears Courtney screaming again* Oh God! Jude, tell mummy  that daddy is coming. 

Jude "Mummy! Daddy said he's coming." 

Luke *Hears Courtney sobbing and screaming and gasping for air* Okay.. see you soon mate! 

*hangs up* 

_ _ _ _ _ _

*Luke rushes through the backdoor and runs to the bathroom door.* 

"Baby... I need you to open the door. It's Luke." 

Courtney sobbed and opened the door to Luke. 

Luke reached out his arms to hold Courtney, whos face was red from crying. 

"Baby girl! What happened?!" 

"Luke.. im miscarrying! IM SO SORRY!"

"Baby! Don't be sorry!" 

"Luke! It's really bad.. its really bad! The baby is dead." Courtney cried out. 

"I know baby.." Luke said, just as another excrutiating contraction hit Courtney. 


"baby.. breathe! Breathe! Breathe!  Thats it baby good job sweetheart. i know it hurts! I know you're scared!"


"Mummy..." Phoenix said softly. 

Luke looked behind him towards the door where Phoenix was standing. 

"Whats going on?"

"Mate! Mummy is having the baby early. Go back and play!"

"OWWWWWWHHWHHWHW" Courtney wailed.

Luke looked back at Courtney and told her to take deep breaths and then looked back at Phoenix and told him that theres nothing to worry about, even though he knew she was miscarrying. 

"ok!" Phoenix said and walked away. 


There was a splat on the floor. 

Luke turned back and saw blood everywhere and in the midst of it was a tiny baby. 

They both started crying. 

"I'm..SO...sorry." Courtney cried. 

"baby, look at me.  It is NOT your fault!" 

Courtney picked up the baby and held it. Luke touched the baby, which was grey and cold. Luke rubbed Courtney's back and they both sat there in silence. 

Hey y'all! Im so sorry for this being a dramatic sad story, but geez it was really sad to hear that this actually happened. Maybe not like this, but Courtney did miscarry sadly, before she got pregnant with Evie. Please follow me if you want more for KING & COUNTRY books! 

Luv u guys! Sorry for a depressing chapter lol. 

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