Without You Pt 2

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8 months later (okay y'all! Luke obviously has come home through this amount of time and then gone back touring) 

*Ring! Ring!* It was Courtney's phone. She picked it up and the caller was Joel. (Joel Smallbone) 

"Luke is not feeling well. He's gonna come home. Is that okay?" 

"It's more than okay! Is he alright though?"

"I'm not sure yet, Courtney. He says he can't tour any longer."

"That's serious! He told me he was never going to give it up! 

"Well, he'll be home in the next 5 hours!" 

"Okay! Thanks, Joel."

Courtney hung up her phone and sobbed. She knew Luke shouldn't have gone in the first place. She decided to research everything about Ulcerative Colitis and how to help Luke. 

4 hours later: 

*Knock! Knock! Knock!* 

Courtney ran downstairs, as fast as she could, being 8 months pregnant, and opened the door. Luke was there, his whole body leaning on the door frame, looking very weak and carrying his suitcase. 

"Oh my goodness! Luke!" 

"I'm fine, Courtney!" 

"You don't look fine! Here, I'll take your suitcase." She grabbed it and put it just behind the wall that held the door in place. Then she reached out to Luke and grabbed him, helping him to the couch. She gave him some water and a blanket. The she asked, 

"How are you feeling? What happened?" 

"It was nothing. I'm okay."

"Luke, Joel told me that you weren't feeling good. You can't lie to me. What happened? How are you feeling?"

"Well, I.. uh.. just felt really sick. My stomach was hurting more than ever before and I've been feeling weak and weary. That's all."

"That's all?! Luke! This could be serious! I'm taking you to the hospital RIGHT NOW!" 

"No! Courtney! Please! Let's just wait until tomorrow. We'll see if I get better overnight."

"One night. That's all I'm giving you! Do you need anything else?"

"No. I'm okay, my dear." Luke smiled. Courtney smiled back. "Okay. Let me know if you need ANYTHING. ANYTHING AT ALL!" 

2 hours later:

Courtney was doing the washing when she heard Luke get up from the couch. She ran to see what was wrong. "Darling! Please! I'm alright! I'm just going to the bathroom!" 

"I need to help you get there. Why didn't you just call out?!" 

"Because I can do it myself!" 

"No Luke! You can't! When will you realise that you are not okay?" 

Hey Lourtney Fan Clan! I told you the parts would get longer! How are you liking it so far???? Please vote, comment and follow me please! Feel free to comment any ideas you have for the story and I'll see if I can put it in anywhere! Love y'all! Next part coming soon!

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