A 2 Week Journey

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(40 minutes later)

"Luke, they recommended intensive therapy."

"Okay." Luke smiled. 

"So, the intensive therapy will go for 2 weeks and she will have to go home and come back every morning. We will start at 9 and finish at 2." The lady at the counter informed Luke. 

"Ok." Luke answered. 

"We can start tomorrow if that's okay with you guys." The lady asked. 

Luke looked behind him and asked Courtney, "Do you want to do this?"

The lady said to Courtney "I know that you probably don't want to leave this addiction, but trust me it will help you."

"Yeah. I think I need to do this Luke! I need to get off this pill!" Courtney sighed out bravely. 

"Okay. Yep. Tomorrow is fine!"

"Wait! Luke!"

Luke and the lady looked back at Courtney. 

"What will I do with Jude? We don't have a daycare centre. We homeschool him. What about his education? Where will I take him every morning?!"

"Courtney! Stop worrying! I am taking 2 weeks off! I will look after him!"

"No! Luke! You don't have to come off the road! I can't let you do that! You need to go to your shows! What about your fans?!"

"It's fine Courtney!" 

"Luke!! Think about this.." 

"It's okay Courtney!!" 

Courtney sighed knowing that no matter what she said, Luke would not change his mind. 

"Okay so tomorrow at 9am?" The lady asked. 

"Yes thanks." Luke answered. 

"Ok. That's booked in!" 

"Okay thank you." Courtney answered. 

(In the car) 

"Luke, I really don't think you taking time off the road again is a good thing! I can get a taxi or something and mum can watch Jude." 

"Courtney, it's final! I need to make sure your going. Jude and I will be fine!" 

Courtney sighed again. There was nothing she could do to change Luke's mind. 

Lourtney  (Luke and Courtney) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now