Buckle up

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Izzy's POV:

I knew that this would be a long game of waiting. But I also knew I didn't have plans for the next two days. This should be fun.

I paused momentarily and then dropped to the ground sitting with my legs crossed. He looked over at me and I smiled at him sarcastically. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and started scrolling through tik tok. Until I got a message,

Heyyy girlie


I'm having a little thing at my house tonight wanna come???

What time?


I read her message and got up. It was 6:15 and I had to go home to get ready if I want to make it back here at 7. I walked out of his room and started twards the stairs.

"Hey where are you goin?" Luke asked following behind me.

"My friends having a thing and I need to get ready" I said approaching the bottom

"What about 'not leaving until I've taken that'" I turned around to him pointing to my necklace.

Damn it I forgot about that.

"Just take it"

"No, where are we going I'll drive"

"What your not comming" I said

He opened the front door, "well I'm not taking that, your not giving up so where are we going?"

He smirked knowing he'd won. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. He opened the passenger side door to his slick black car and held out his hand to help me in. I didn't take it and entered into the car. He went around and came in the drivers side.

"Buckle up Princess" he said

I noticed he wasn't buckling up "not until you do"

"Fine then nither of us buckle up" he started the can and as he pulled out he placed his arm across me as a seatbelt.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't care if you wear a seatbelt or not but I'm making sure you don't die"

Was that sweet?

Once we made it to my house I unlocked my door and we both entered. I climbed up the stairs and Luke followed behind. But a respectable distance. We made it to me room and when we got it luke sat himself right of the bed.

"What do you think" I started, "wear this or change, and if I change what do I wear?"

Luke Looked up at me and kicked his feet on my bed while crossing his arms behind his neck. "Stay in that..." I gave him a questioning look, "what you look good in it."

I decided to keep what I was wearing on. I headed to my vainity and started applying more makeup. I only wore mascara and chapstick to Luke's so I applied a little concealer and blush as well as some lip gloss. It was only 6:30 now and it only takes 5-10 minutes to get to her house from mine so I decided I could hang for a few minutes. I grabbed my phone and climbed over Luke to the inside of the bed and lay down with my legs spread over Luke's. We scrolled on our phones for a little bit and then Luke caought me trying to sneak the necklace inside his sweatpants pocket.

"IZZY!" He shouted scaring me half to death "haha you thought you could fool me didn't you" he laughed

"Uhm- no why would you think that!" I said as I playfully scratched the back of my head.

We both laughed. I will admit that man has the cutest laugh I have ever heard. After that about 10 minutes passed and I decided to go.

I got up "cmon let go"

"Where?" Luke raised an eyebrow

"To Sam's house idiot" he looked confused as ever "the thing that's why we came here and my car is at your house so your driving, get up"

He got up from my bed and we headed downstairs. Once arriving at Sam's I was greeted with Ella two guys I wasn't really friends with, Lincoln and jamie, Kelly, my bio partner, Kyle and a random girl. I walked In with Luke and everyone had a questioning look spread on there faces. I ignored that and greeted them. Only when I sat down and Luke sat next to me, man spreading of course, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders did someone say something.

"Umm Izzy babe why is he here?" Ella asked

"Because he's not taking the necklace back and I refuse to leave him bee until he takes it." I reply "problem?" I questioned

"No no it's just... strange" Kyle said

The time flew and it was already 1:00 AM. I decided to sleep over Sam's house because it was late and everyone went home. Except Luke. I made him sleep on the floor next to Sam's guest bed that I was using. I ment it when I said i wouldn't leave his side.

Sorry for the wait. I just got a new dog so that's been a lot of work training and such and such. Hope y'all enjoyed this one though. Byeeee. XX

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