A Royal Crowning.

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Any and all sense of a schedule I might have had is currently in the wind. 😭🫠

Anne is woken up by her husband in the early hours of the morning. Much to Alicents relief, after entering her final weeks of pregnancy she'd refused to lie with her husband. So she's a little confused when she's awoken by the loud clattering of metal and Aegon's "sorry. Sorry." Anne's less mad than she might usually be, after being abruptly woken up, as now in the last stage of her pregnancy, sleep has become increasingly difficult to come by. So he's hardly woken her.

"Are you alright?" Anne asks as she watches her husband limp towards her.

"It fell on my foot," Aegon slurs.

"Am i going to be mad when i see what you've broken?"

"Not broke." Aegon hiccups.

Aegon reaches her bedside and begins to unlace his breeches. "Oh, Aegon, I'm not in the mood."

"I know. I know. I'm just getting comfortable." Aegon says before he sits on the edge of her bed.

"Alright then." Anne says dubiously. "What do you want?"

"I've brought you a gift." Aegon tells her as he presents her with a tin circle.

"I won a crown." he tells her proudly.

"Where?" Anne asks.

Aegon giggles and tells her "in a brothel."

"Right. And how might one do that?" Anne asks curiously.

Aegon giggles again and Anne despite the context of it being his infidelity finds it painfully endearing. So she lifts a hand and brushes a rogue curl from his face.

"I don't think it's suitable for an honourable Lady's ears." Aegon jests.

"My galant husband." Anne says as she dramatically raises her hand to her forehead and pretends to be faint.

"Ever in your service." Aegon promises.

Anne smiles at him and takes the piece of metal from his hand. It is adorned with coloured glass that Anne supposes is supposed to replicate the jewels adorning Jaehaerys crown.

"Congratulations on your victory." Anne smiles.

Aegon takes it from her hands and says "here," before he places it on her head. He leans in and presses his lips to hers, which Anne allows. Until he begins to pull her nightgown off her shoulders.

"Not tonight." Anne tells him.

"Please." Aegon whines and it's absurd how similar he sounds to Joffrey when their mother tells him he cannot have any more cake.

"Lie with me." Annerys offers instead. Before he can reply Annerys pulls him down beside her so that his back is facing her. She turns so that she 's also on her side and strokes her fingers through his white hair. And kisses the crown of his head as he sighs at the feeling of her touch.

"Why don't you hate me?" Aegon asks abruptly.

"Because you've never done anything to intentionally hurt me."

"And that's enough?" Aegon asks as Anne begins to run her fingers up and down the length of his arm.

"More than." Annerys replies.


Anne wakes up once more with a scream. She feels an ache spread across her lower back. "Aegon. Aegon. Wake up." Anne cries as she clutches her stomach in pain and jostles her husband with her other hand.

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