Whatever She Wants.

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I'm kinda curious as to whether when reading this you picture Tom Glyn Carney or Ty Tenant as Aegon.

"What?" Aegon asks.

"I want to go home. And i want you to come with me."

"Annie. We can't." He answers.

"Yes we can."

"I can't."

"Draagonstone is my favourite place in the world and i want to return. Don't you want to see our ancestral seat now tha t you're a man."

"Its not so easy."

"We have dragons Aegon. Everything is easy when you attempt it on dragon back."

"Those on Dragonstone have dragons too."

"What?" Anne asks.

"Daemon would see me dead." Aegon explains.

"I think you've all severely overestimated our Uncle." Annerys says flippantly. "He's not going to kinslay for the fun of it." 

"If he has me in hand, why wouldn't he save your mother the trouble of having a brother."

"Because she has two others." Anne says incredulously.

"That's not a very long list."

"It's long enough to keep you safe though." Anne says placatingly not understanding Aegon's very real fear of her mother and her husband and the threat that Aegon is to her claim.  "Please. This is all I want."

"And it would make you happy?" he asks.

"The happiest."


Because Annerys had asked Aegon does. He goes to his mother bathed and dressed and meets her in the sept the next evening.

"Aegon." Alicent smiles.

"Mother," he replies as he kneels besides her.

"Have you come to pray?" Alicent hopefully aks her eldest son.

"For the babe," Aegon agrees knowing that will please her.

"Of course," Alicent says happily "me too."

Alicent looks over at her eldest son deep in prayer and thinks perhaps Annerys is indeed a good girl if she's gotten her fool son to look to the Gods and decency. Perhaps her eldest son won't disappoint her when the time comes and will do what he must to protect his family now that he is to have a child of his own. She decides to thank the Mother once more for blessing her Good-daughters womb with a child and prays for a son and heir to be born from the blessing.

"Leave us." Alicent tells Aemond who had dutifully been sat beside her prior to Aegon's entrance.

"Annerys wants to tell her mother."

"Of course she does. She's carrying her first child. What daughter wouldn't want their mother's wisdom?" Alicent says understandingly.

"Yes! Which is why Annie has suggested we journey to Dragonstone before the weeks end."

"No." Alicent exclaims as her comforting hold on his hand becomes a painful grip.

"Mother. Be reasonable."

"They'll kill you. You cannot go."

"I can and I will." He says as he pulls his hands from her tight hold.

Aegon leaves the Sept and takes the hope he had brought into the Sept with him. And Alicent is left alone on the cold stone as she begs the gods for her son's safety.

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