Promises Are Not To Be Broken.

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There's a considerable amount of smut in this chapter it's marked with ... where it begins and ends if you want to skip it 😂

I hope this isn't too boring or anything since it's not really very political. As I just don't see Anne as being particularly very politically minded or ambitious. Unless her family are being threatened she just wants an easy life 😂

There had been four moons since Anne had married Aegon. She had found herself happier than she had expected she would become. She enjoys her aunt Helaena's company dearly, she believes she'd have probably gone mad by now without her new companion.

She'd never truly been given the chance to be her friend. The boys would have their swordsmanship lessons together where they could talk and play but Helaena and herself would be forced into silence as their Septa would teach them how to be proper Lady's. She remembers their dancing lessons as the only two girls surrounded by five boys they had been passed around like a library book between the boys.

Jacaerys had been the only one of them that had been good.

Aegon didn't care enough.

Aemond too conscious of being bad at it to be good.

Daeron too shy.

Lucerys too silly.

But Jacaerys had been good and well practised and Helaena had adored dancing with him. So Anne had always acquiesced and allowed Helaena to dance with Jacaerys although now she's older she's more willing to admit that it was less a show of selfless kindness and more because she enjoyed the praise from adults when they would hear of her kind gesture.

Jace and Helaena always began their dances by jumping from side to side entirely ignoring the proper steps in exchange for fun before they began in earnest.

And Anne had been stuck with droll Aemond when Daeron had left for Oldtown and Aegon had stopped attending his lessons. She had missed the way he would pull at her curls and step on her toes and twirl her under his arm until their dance teacher had scolded them.

And poor little Luke who had been deemed too short to be of any use to them as the lead of a dance had been forced to sit and watch. Those are her fondest memories of her childhood in Kingslanding with her Aunt and her numerous Uncle's. Long gone the innocent friendships that childhood had offered them. But she has a new friendship with her odd Aunt who says strange nonsensical things and never follows them with an explanation and brings so much joy to Anne's days.

Then there's the queen. She spends the hours the sun spends rising with the Queen every day. Annerys isn't sure what the queen can need to pray for every day. Surely if she hadn't found guidance or grace or forgiveness or whatever it is that the devout pray for yesterday she wouldn't find it today yet the queen rises with the sun and drags Annerys along with her each morning.

Perhaps the queen is hoping Anne will pray away the stain of bastardy from her soul so that it doesn't mar Aegon by association.

She doesn't hate the Queen the way she had in her youth despite her continued tuts and snide remarks. Annerys sometimes finds herself believing that her mother and the Lady Alicent Hightower might have once been friends. Then Alicent with look at her with what Annerys feels can only be disgust and she remembers that this is the very woman who charged at her brother with a dagger with the intention to harm him and Annerys remembers why she can't bear to be near the woman who would have them all executed for treason if she could prove the illegitimacy of their birth.


As she has for the past four moons Anne's maid wakes her up when the sun is still dark and then as Anne has for the past five weeks she pulls her sheets back and checks the space between her legs and sighs as she has for the past five sennights. Then as she has everyday she puts her fears to the back of her mind and begins her day.

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