Pride Goeth Before Destruction

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It's been four months so I can't imagine anyone's still invested in this story but I am!!

Most of this is things that I wrote before I even published the first chapter and I was quite attached to it but the story's grown, changed and developed so it was difficult to make it work. Also  fun fact for me perhaps not that interesting to you but my plan Google doc is still titled v+a because when I first wrote the story I had planned to call Annerys Visenya but I felt that Rhaenyra had a theme going on with her Velaryon boys and if she'd had a daughter she'd have continued that theme. So my initial thought was that Rhaenyra would've definitely called Jacaerys twin sister Daenerys but it felt cringe or something to call my oc Daenerys. So I came up with Annerys and I quite like it 🤷‍♀️

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"Don't you dare fucking do that again." Annerys spits at Aegon as they walk into her chambers.

"What?" Aegon asks.

Zella had been waiting for her Lady's arrival so she curtsied at the royal pair and asked "shall I bring you your tea, Princess?"

"Please." Annerys tells her and the handmaiden leaves. Once the door closes behind her Anne bitterly says "stake claim on me."

"I was trying to help you. Fuck me, Annie. What is it that you want."

"I wanted to stand with my family." Annerys tells him as she rubs her palm across the bottom of her aching back.

Aegon sighs in response and pours himself a drink. "I'm your husband."

"I'm very well aware of that."

"So it is me, you must stand with." Aegon tells her.

Anne scoffs "so I must take our marital vows seriously but you may flaunt them as you like."

He wraps his hand around the back of her neck his hold pulling uncomfortably on her blue veil the small stitches that hold the gauzy fabric to her braids pulling on her hair. As he pulls her closer to him. "Our marriage is a farce." Aegon tells her. "But you are mine." He asserts as he firmly presses his forehead against hers. "Do you understand?"

Annerys pulls her head away from his and takes a step back from him. But before she can put any real distance between them he lets his goblet half filled with wine fall to the ground. The red liquid stains her rug as he grabs hold of her shoulders and pulls her back into him.

"Let go." Annerys says as she struggles against his tight grip her heavy pregnancy bump making it increasingly difficult.

Aegon ignores her request and instead tells her "take off your dress."

Her handmaiden re-enters the room with a teapot and cup and saucer in hand and sets them on the side, it is not her place to notice the happenings of the nobility.

"Zella, tell Prince Jacaerys to come see me." Annerys orders as Aegon scoffs.

"Yes, Princess." "You think I won't fuck you in front of him?" He taunts.

"You can't not when I am so close to my labours." Annerys responds.


"Leave me be and go find one of your whores."

"And you think that doesn't include you?" Aegon says snidely, his fingers digging into the soft skin of her upper arms.

"Aegon, let go. You're hurting me." Annerys pleads. And he is hurting her she can feel his fingers digging into her plump skin can feel his digits that unusually bring her such pleasure bruising her arm.

Kingdom Fall : Aegon II TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now