Creatures With Very Long Legs.

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Annerys sits beside her Grandfather as she sketches the rolling waves of the ocean before them "I'm glad you still draw Anne, your Grandmother had been most talented, she used to spend hours amongst her charcoals and paper."

Annerys lifts her head and smiles at him and says "I never knew that."

"When you return to Kingslanding I shall show you my favourites of your grandmother's illustrations." He tells her as a maid refills his wine cup.

"I'd like that." she responds although she's not sure she'll be returning there any time soon.

Luke and Jace are standing together parallel to Aegon and Aemond as although the four used to joke and play with each other they now stand purposefully ignoring each other, something which is clearly bothering the king as he sighs for the eighth time that afternoon (Annerys had counted) whilst looking over at the boys. The division between the family had never felt clearer as although it had only been three years since they were in King's Landing where they were all friends but the boys had fought and Ser Harwin was sent away to his death.

As though he had forgotten the disaster that had followed the last time the two factions within his family had crossed swords, the King declares "How about some swordplay. We all live so far apart now you can play amongst yourselves when we all return to our keeps. Play amongst each other boys. Who will try to beat my Aegon?"

Annerys rises from her seat and declares "I will."

"I'm not going to fight a girl." Aegon argues.

"Why not?" Annerys goades.

"Do you even know how to hold a sword?" Aegon asks incredulously.

"I am a Targaryen Princess," She tells him as if that is enough answer.

Which apparently it is for the King as he calls out "Very good, someone finds the Princess a sword."

Before any search can commence the Princess walks up to Ser Criston Cole, stands in front of him and orders "Your sword, Ser Cole."

"Princess." He says begrudgingly before unsheathing it and handing it to her.

She smiles mostly to herself and then turns to face Aegon and points her sword at him, he raises his sword as though he's going to strike at her to meet her blade but he does so weakly as if he really does believe she's incapable. In response to this she turns her sword in a circular motion in her hand in what she hopes is a show of skill and strikes at him hard and fast which he barely manages to parry, he smirks at her clearly surprised that she could genuinely fight. There has become somewhat of a crowd surrounding the two as they begin their fight in earnest the two continue to push each other back and forth, parry after a parry which was somewhat embarrassing for a nineteen year old Aegon to be matched by a fifteen year old girl in a pretty dress. Clearly becoming increasingly frustrated as the king cheered for his granddaughter to prevail, Aegon hits his forearm square against her nose and knocks her back as a result of the impact she stumbles back a few paces. He charges after her as he continues his attack with his sword she manages to swerve out of the way of his blade and the crowd once again cheer at this, he moves to strike her again but this time she pulls up her skirt past her knee, scandalously showing her blue stockings and dainty shoes as she kicks him square in the chest, knocking him to his back, like he had once done to Jace. She moves to stand over him and points her sword over his chest she smiles at him and says "I win."

To Annerys' shock he smiles back at her, points to her nose and says "But I made you bleed."

As he gets to his feet she wipes the blood away from her nose, shocked that she hadn't even felt herself bleed. Once Aegon is back on his feet she asks him "Have I got all the blood?"

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