Would That Be A Bad Thing?

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TW-Domestic abuse.

Annerys wakes to Joffrey's incessant little taps. As she opens her eyes she wakes to see him smiling down at her. "Morning." She says groggily.

"I'm so happy that you're here," Joffrey exclaims to her perhaps a little too loudly for the early hour.

"That's nice." Anne smiles however.

"Will you come see Tyraxes with me?"

"It's very early Joff."

"I know, I want to feed him his breakfast."

"You can't just go climbing around the caves of the dragonmount by yourself."

"I know, that's why I'm bringing you." He says brightly.

Anne sighs and says "Fine. But go find your cloak and put on sensible shoes."

Joffrey bounds off to do as he was told, happy to be getting his way that morning. As Annerys slips her feet into her slippers and pulls a small embroidered blanket from the bottom of his bed and wraps the cloth around her shoulders like a shawl. As despite it still being summer the sun had yet to fully rise and warm the air.

"Come on. Let's go." Joffrey says both impatiently and excitedly.

Anne's not sure there's a thing Joffrey loves more in this world than dragons, especially his own. She can still remember Luke picking out the small red and blue egg the day of their brother's birth. Anne hadn't been so bothered about getting to choose the egg unlike her two brothers who were quite giddy about it. Joffrey had been a week earlier than forecasted by the maesters and Anne hadn't the chance to complete the blanket she was embroidering for him, so whilst her brothers, or Luke, had picked out an egg she had focused on completing her stitching. She remembers her mother sat in her pretty blue dress and Ser Harwin holding Joff and Luke's incessant questions aimed towards their father as he brought them back to the dragonpit.

"Do you think that Tyraxes will grow as big as Caraxes?" Joffrey asks.

"I sure do, sweetling."

"I'm going to conquer Dorne." Joffrey tells her as they make their way through the keep.

"Are you now?"

"Well not today." Joffrey corrects slightly misconstruing her words.

"That's good. I would miss you if you went away to war." Anne tells him rather than correcting him on his little mistake.

Joffrey giggles as the guards open the doors and let them outside towards the path that leads to the dragonmount.

"If our mother asks where we've gone, tell her to the dragonmount." Anne tells the sentry guards.

"Yes, Princess." They reply.

As Joffrey lets out a little betrayed "Anne!" Before he looks up to the guards and says conspiratorially "only if she asks."

"Do you think Jace will let me, when he is King?" Joffrey continues once they're outside.

"Conquer Dorne?"

"Yes, Tyraxes should be big enough, when Jace is King you can come too with Merax. He's very fierce isn't he?"

"He is." Anne agrees "But we shouldn't look for war, Joff and you shouldn't seek it out."

"But I want to be brave and strong like Uncle Daemon." Joffrey tells her.

Anne crouches down and holds her brother's shoulders "War isn't brave and it isn't to be sought after. There are other ways to prove yourself."

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