Kicking and Screaming.

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Annerys rises at an ungodly hour to pray to the seven.

She wears her hair in the braided fashion that her mother favours and wears an all black dress that she knows the Queen won't enjoy especially not in a Sept since it's designed for the summer heat it once again shows more skin than is usually deemed appropriate but Anne would rather be named a harlot than be uncomfortable in the summers heat. They say dragons like warmth which is fair enough for Anne when it comes to bathing but Annerys would rather feel the sun warming her skin that the claustrophobic heat caused by dresses the Queen would deem 'proper'.

When Annerys arrives the Queen is already outside the doors of the steps as punctual as she is pious and pompous Anne thinks to herself as she curtsies to Alicent.

"Your family is leaving today." Alicent says without any further details.

"Yes." Anne says simply unable to figure out if the Queen was asking a question or just pointing out the obvious out of spite or triumph perhaps.

"I'm sure you'll miss them dearly. I remember when my father returned to Oldtown."

Hardly the same thing Annerys thinks to herself the Hand was returned to his brother disgraced but she was still the Queen. Anne has no power amongst these people, her families enemies. Which enemies did the Queen have? Who was plotting her downfall? "I have always wondered what the King's own good-father could have done to have lost his position." Annerys says. 

Alicent bristles at this comment and then replies "Order is restored now by the blessing of the father."

"Well the Stranger, Lord Lyonel had to die for Otto to be renamed hand."

Alicent doesn't respond, just sits there with that pout that Anne detests.

"We should pray that the mother soon blesses you with a son. That's what your focus should be on bearing your husband an heir. It's not our place to fret over the politics of men." Alicent then says.

Anne has to subdue the urge to ask the Queen if she ever actually hears herself speak if she actually gives any thought to the words that she spews out of her mouth. Politics don't belong to the men it's not only the men of the realm that they affect and Anne will be damned if she is to spend her life as a broodmare whose only purpose in life is to be bred.

"Aegon is in no need of an heir. My mother is healthy and hale, as is my brother, as am I. Aegon won't inherit a thing and neither will any children's daughter or son." Anne says calmly.

"Hmm." Alicent says.

The two then continue their morning rites in silence.

Jacaerys is waiting for her at the end of the hallway and says to Anne "Mother said that you were praying."

So Daemon told her that he'd been to see her. Anne thinks and wonders what else he told her mother and what he'd left out. 

"Walk with me?" Jace asks her.

Anne nods in response, they're not walking for long before Anne figures out where he's taking her.

They eventually reach the small alcove that they would play marbles in when they were children.
There's no trace of them there anymore but Anne can still picture how it was when they were children and declared it their secret place. Anne can remember how she would lay her head in Jace's lap and he would read to her, he's always been the more studious of the two he'd always wanted to read and to learn whereas Anne has always just been happy to be read to.

Anne can tell Jace has something to say but has no idea how to actually form the words so she reaches out and takes his hand in hers and he in response does the same with her other hand. 

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