Prayer and Pomp.

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Happy New Years

Annerys does as she had promised and meets Alicent in the sept the next morning. It's barely dawn when she makes her way through the Keep to the sept and she had woken hours before the sun had risen in order to prepare for her full day as well as her morning prayer with the Queen. The first of the celebratory games that would take place the week of her wedding was an archery contest which as one of the guests of honour not only would her attendance be demanded but she would also be expected to be well dressed befitting her station as a Princess and the bride. So in order to ensure she would at least begin the weeks celebrations with some semblance of punctuality Anne had arisen before the birds as had her maids.

She had decided that the Queen would not appreciate an excessive show of opulence inside of the sept so Annerys' maids had twisted and plaited her dark curls atop of her head, combed the remainders of her curls until they shone then left the head piece they had planned to secure amongst the curls until she returned to exchange the plainer black dress for the extravagant ruby gown that she would wear for the tournament.

When she arrived at the sept she could hear the queens curt voice and the cold monotonous drawl of Otto Hightower so she stops and hides herself behind the slightly ajar doors of the sept and listens to their conversation.

"I'm to accept that my eldest son is to marry a bastard." Annerys hears the Queen bite out.

"A very comely bastard that Aegon already seems to lust after." Otto crudely states which Alicent scoffs at. 

Undeterred by his daughters discomfort he continues "He will put a babe in her in no time and as long as she takes after her  mother and not her Grandmother I imagine there will be many and there will inevitably be sons which will only strengthen Aegon's claim to the throne as his heir will have both his and Rhaenyra's blood. So you will not do anything to stop this union. Do you understand?" Anne finds herself shocked that the hand would speak to his own daughter in this manner let alone the Queen but less shocked that the Greens have seen the benefit in her marriage to Aegon yet she still sees it as the cause for concern that it is.

Alicent takes a moment before she replies "What if she drips Rhaenyra's poison into his ears, what if he decides to stand besides his comely bastard wife."

"Then you best make sure she stands on our side." Otto tells her.

Deciding she has heard enough she pushes the heavy doors of the sept open, the Queen and the Hand turn and abruptly end their conversation. "Good morning, Princess." The queen says once Anne has approached them.

Annerys curtsies to the Queen before saying "Good morning, your grace, My Lord."

"I shall take my leave." Otto Hightower says as he dips his head a half bow that entirely lacks any of the respect the gesture should hold, an insult to both the Princess and the Queen.

Once Otto has left the Queen motions for Annerys to follow her "Come let us prey." She takes two unlit candles from the side and a small wooden stick to light them as Annerys stands there uneasy in her setting and her company. Alicent kneels before the dais of burning candles and says "Kneel with me." So Annerys kneels down besides the Queen whilst keeping some distance between the two as Alicent lights one of her candles and blows out the flame burning her wooden candle. Before she passes it to Annerys. Annerys cautiously takes it from her and lights the candle the Queen had placed in front of her, she blows out the flame and drops her hands to the side unlike the Queen who is knelt with her palms clasped tightly against one another. They remain like this in silence for a moment before the Queen opens her eyes and sets her gaze upon Annerys. "You are not praying?" Alicent asks Annerys.

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