Clementines And Dragon.

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I've played with the ages a bit to fit my plot because who is going to stop me.

Annerys & Jacaerys = 15

Lucerys = 10

Joffrey = 3

Aegon = 19

Heleana = 17

Aemond = 16

Rhaena & Baela = 13

Annerys knew she was not allowed to ride her dragon, Myrax that morning, her mother had explicitly said so but she wanted to and Annerys had convinced herself that whilst she had never met her Aunt Laena, riding her dragon the morning of her funeral would be the best way to honour the rider of Vhagar. But now as she speeds down the halls of High Tide castle with the silks of her black mourning dress bunched in her hands as her veil that sat on the crest of her head trailed behind after her she has begun to regret her decision. She can feel the many layers of her dress becoming entangled as she sprints through the opulent hallways. so without stopping she looks down and attempts to straighten the fabric out so that when she reaches her mother she will at least look somewhat presentable. Which feels like a reasonable plan until she feels herself hurl into something solid, upon looking up she realises that the something solid is a person and then very quickly after that she realises that person is a boy, well nearly a man now she supposes. 

Her Uncle is accompanied by Ser Criston Cole. She hasn't seen Prince Aegon in an age, not since her family had left for Dragonstone three years ago, which had felt at the time and now less like moving on and more like fleeing. 

Anne's immediate instinct is to want to blurt out the word 'shit' following her collision with the Prince but she manages to control that impulse. However this has rather unfortunately left her with nothing else to say and has rendered her for all intents and purposes mute. So instead she ends up staring up dumbly at him whilst wasting precious time that would have otherwise been spent making haste to the courtyard and hopefully avoiding her Mothers ire. Her silence allows  Aegon to take control of a conversation that really should have been no more than a quick apology from Annerys as he says "Niece, where are you charging off to, smelling like dragon."

Unable to control her impulse after his assessment she blurts out "Shit do i really, is it that noticeable i had dosed myself with scent."

Aegon lets out a half chuckle and what Annerys can't quite tell whether it is a mocking smile or an amused smirk. As she tries to figure out which of the two his smile is she is caught of guard as she feels his fingers brush over her collar bone as he pushes the dark curls that had rested over her shoulder back before leans in close to her neck close enough that she can feel his breath caress the sensitive skin there before he inhales at her pulse point and says "Hmm yes, oranges?"

Equal parts confused, annoyed and what she hopes isn't aroused Annerys steps away from his touch, clears her throat and says "No clementines. I shall take my leave now I'm expected.," and with that Annerys walks away as quickly as she can without seeming as though she's running away. When she hears Aegon call "Clementines and Dragon."

Once she reaches the courtyard her entire family is gathered there clearly waiting on her so she takes this strategically and decides to greet her Grandfather first who she know will be lenient on her tardiness and once the Lord of the castle has granted you clemency who can argue, the answer however is your mother which Annerys realises after looking across at her.

After she had kissed her Grandfather's cheek, she says "I'm very sorry for your loss Lady Grandmother." Rhaenys looks down at her and says "Thank you, Princess."

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