748 32 8

Thinking ' '

Out loud " "

Past 'Italics'


SCREAMING. I was screaming, blood was running down my legs. I cried, I had bad cramps. James just stared down at me, I was laying on the ground bleeding out. My baby.

"Stop crying like a little bitch." That was all he said before he walked away from me. He walked out the front door and slammed the door. Riley had just learned to walk, he was only 3. I didn't want him to hear me.

I stood up on shaking legs holding my stomach, l felt my contractions hit me hard. I let out a silent cry feeling more blood come out. My baby girl is only 6 months, I could tell she wasn't going to make it through this. I've never bled this must with Riley.

My legs shook to the point where I couldn't even walk. So I crawled to the bedroom. I held on to my stomach, crying.

I winced feeling the contractions get worse. I made it to the bedroom and grabbed my phone dialing 911.

"MOMMY? What's happening?" I was getting carried out of the house into the ambulance, and Riley was following close behind.

"Oh, baby...everything is going to be fine." I winced, I turned away from him feeling myself about to cry. Riley sat in the ambulance next to me, I held his hand the whole way through.

Riley looked so scared, he must have seen all the blood on the floor and me. He rubbed my stomach. "Is my sister okay?" He questioned and the whole car went silent. I shook my head, "We don't know yet baby, but I'm sure she's fine."

Riley wiped his tears and nodded, trying to stay strong.

We had finally made it to the hospital and we pulled into emergency, a nurse came in to check on Riley as I was pulled away from him.

Reaching out for him I felt pain all over, "AH!" I gripped the nearest hand feeling constructions again.

"Her adrenaline is all over the place" Someone said as I was out into a room.

"Riley" I mumbled before screaming out in pain again. My legs were hosted up, spread so they can see. "The baby is dilating."

"Ma'am, how far along are you?" A nurse asked me, I shook my head. I couldn't think. "Um, 3, maybe 4 mouths."

"Ok we need to get an emergency C-section, she is not going to be able to push the baby. And we need to get the baby monitored the minute it's born." The doctor and nurses moved quickly to get me out of the room and to the ER.

I felt my breath got heavy, everything was spinning. I couldn't breathe.

"Someone get her some oxygen!"

SIGHING I rubbed my eyes getting up from bed, Shouta wasn't in bed when I woke up I'm the middle of the night. I rubbed my neck before getting up to go find him.

It's been 4 days since me and Riley have been staying at Shouta's house and it's an adjustment for all of us. Shouta's late nights with his work, Eri and Riley's nightmares, which keep them in our room.

And most people say you meet the real person when you move in with them, but Shouta wasn't like that at all. He still treats me like a person, after everything that went down.

I walked into our own shared office for the time being, seeing him on the couch in there. He had his glasses on and his forehead was wrinkled, he looked at me walking in with a smile. I leaned down to kiss him, and he kissed me back. Moving his work to the side putting me in his lap. My back on his chest

"How are you darling?" He rubbed my thighs, kissing my neck slightly. I felt myself relax under his touch.

"It's nothing, just couldn't sleep." I turned around and smile at him, rubbing his cheek. "Thank you" my voice broke a little as I felt tears building. Shouta shook his head and gave me a long kiss, a long, reassuring kiss.

"You don't need to thank me, darling."

"I know" I laughed and sniffed, Shouta kissed me again. I smiled and leaned back on Shouta. And we just sat there and relaxed. I felt safe.

The door opened and Riley walked in holding hands with Eri, Hitoshi not far behind. "Daddy? Y/n?" Eri rubbed her eyes tears feeling them.

"We all had some trouble sleeping.."  Hitoshi said before sitting on the couch next to Shouta, Eri, and Riley crawled in between me and Shouta.

"You okay baby?" I rubbed Riley's head and he nodded, rubbing my stomach. Shouta was cuddling his two kids before pulling me and Riley into their hug. Riley and Eri held each other between us.

I smiled resting my head on Shouta's shoulder. Both his arms wrapped around me and Hitoshi. Eri and Riley slowly fall asleep. After a while, I spoke.

"We should go out, I want to get to know you better Hitoshi," I said gaining Hitoshi's attention, he sat up and looked at me with a half smile.

"Really?" Hitoshi looked surprised looking up at Shouta slapping his stomach, "You hit the jackpot Dad seriously. Most of your exes didn't do this"
Shouta shook his head at Hitoshi messing with his hair, who in response hit his arm.

I liked seeing this. Their relationship is so cute, and their playful with each other. Like me and Riley when he isn't cussing.

"Okay, I get it. I had bad taste."

"Not even bad taste, like the actual shit taste, like your taste buds weren't there anymore"

"Okay, you little shit"

Hitoshi laughed and looked back at me rubbing his neck. "I'm done for whatever you want to do"

"How about going out to eat? And maybe we can go showing?" Hitoshi smiled and nodded before giving his dad this look. Shouta just rolled his eyes.

I smiled at both of them, night already getting better.



A/n: Sorry for the late update, school started me it suckssss. But the problem had been resolved... or is it! Also I wanted to give Hitoshi and Y/n a chance to bond and get to know each other! So that will be the next chapter! Have a good evening!

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