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Thinking ' '

Out loud " "

Past 'Italics'


RILEY cries were heard though out the house. I tried so hard to cry and comfort him. I feed him, I changed his diaper, I sang to him, I burped him. Everything I could ever try and he is still crying. Lucky James wasn't home or he would have yelled at me to shut him up and I couldn't take that.

I sat in my room trying to muffle his cries with my pillow. I haven't slept well in 1 week. The only sleep I've gotten was 3 hours a day. I needed to separate myself from Riley because I didn't know what I would do.

His cries only got louder, he was screaming. I would take it anymore. I got up from my bed, talking to his room.

I opened his door, just looking at him crying in his crib. I walked up to the crib, looking down at him. Holding the pillow, in both of my hands. Knowing what I wanted to do, knowing what I'm thinking. I wanted to put in over his head and make the crying stop. And I would finally sleep.

I was about to put in over his head before he made a noise. A different noise from his crying. I moved the pillow and he had stopped crying finally. He stopped. I started to cry. He was quiet after 1 week of him being home.

I picked him up and held him. I rocked him softly in my arms letting me tears fall. My god, I can't believe I was thinking about that. I slides to the floor with him in my arms.

He went to sleep, from me crying. I laughed at this. "Oh I'm so sorry baby.." I mumbled nog wanting to walking him. Before I could, I put him back in his crib.

I walked out the room, making my way to the kitchen. Searching for the wine. I poured myself a glass, sitting on the floor. And setting up a therapy session.


ERI waves bye to me as she walked into the school with a teacher. Honestly I didn't want to bring her here because of what happened yesterday with Riley.

Hitoshi in the car on his phone. Pulling off from the school I looked at Hitoshi.
"Hey, Eri is having a play date. I want you to come with me" Hitoshi put his phone down looking at me.

Hitoshi has been my son 12 years . He's 17 now. I had an ex who had Hitoshi from her previous relationship and he was neglected by her, once I left her I took him with me. I took her to court and won custody. Her going to jail because of her negligence. We've never seen her after that. And I'm glad I fought for him. I've seen him grow up to be the person he is own and I wouldn't change it for the world.

And Eri came 7 years ago. He was just a baby when I found her in on a hero mission. Poor thing was all alone and when I brought her home Hitoshi very happy. He loves being an older brother more than I thought he was. As much as he hated my attention my someone else. He held her at every chance he had.

He looked up from his phone, finally paying attention to the conversation I was trying to have, "Huh?"

"You heard me. The woman I went on a date with had a child the same age as Eri." Hitoshi nodded his head with a smirk on his face.

"So you want us to help you win her over." He chuckled and shook his head, "As long as I can invite Denki, I'm good"

"No, Hitoshi that's not what I mean. She and her son went through something and she doesn't want to leave him. So we're making it a play date." I tried to explain. Even if Hitoshi didn't believe me. He gave me a look.

"It's only been one date and you want her to meet your kids. You must really like her because I remember all the other dates your tried to go on." He started to laugh. I couldn't, all my other dates always ended bad when I introduced them to Hitoshi. Though I believe he used his qurik because he didn't like them, especially when he was younger. He denies it every time I bring it up, he's very unconvincing.

"Uh huh, I would who's fault that was" He laughed even harder, face turning red. I playfully pushed him into his door.


RILEY and I beige watched all of his favorite movies, and played video games all day. Just doing what my baby wanted. Right now we are sitting on the couch watching a movie. Riley looked up at me, his face serious.

"Mama, is Eri's dad the man you went on a date with?" I looked down at him and smiled, moving his hair out of his face.

"Yes baby, is that okay? I didn't mean for you to meet him this early. I wanted to wait a little longer." Which was true, I much as I like Shouta, I didn't want him to meet Riley after the first date. An especially not like that. Riley just nodded and leaned in closer to me.

"Well I like him, he seems nice.." he mumbled into my chest. I smiled at his words. Bring him closer to my body, kissing his forehead. "I also like Eri, so don't mess this up.." he joked, I rolled my eyes and flicked his forehead. He chuckled and yet back to watching the movie.

I sighed at the thought of me and Shouta being together long term, it almost made me smile. Us, a big family. But I can't be delusional, we only on the second date. Which is this weekend.

Wish reminded me,"Riley how would you feel about a play date?"


"DO you at least have a photo?" Hitoshi asked me, he was sitting right next to me in my office. Class didn't start for another hour. I looked at him and sighed before pulling out my phone. I didn't take any pictures on the date but Y/n did and she sent me some photos.

And she looked amazing, obviously. I show him one with the both of us in it. Y/n somehow found a mirror and wanted to take a photo.

I turned the phone showing the photo to Hitoshi. He eyes went wide and his mouth flew open. "Holy shit! Dad how did you mean get her? I mean look at you!" I pulled my phone back to me, hitting him upside his head. He winced and rubbed his head.

"I'm just saying... like she's hot..." he rubbed his head, and looked at he with a confused face. And looked back at the picture. "I mean you do clean up nicely... when you want too.." he mumbled, I continued to glared at him. I pulled at his ear.

"I know your not talking. A least my hair doesn't look like a birds nest." He hissed and he pulling his ear, looked at me with a hurt face, fake pouting before getting his ear out of my hand.

"I'm telling Uncle Hizashi that you pulled at my ear."

"And I'll tell him that your not taking care of your hair. I bet you'd love to hear the 100 slide presentation, again.

Hitoshi looked and me with fear in his eyes and rubbed his ear, "You wouldn't dare"

I looked at him with a smirk, "Try me"

"Fine! Fine! You win"

"I always win" I went back to work grading papers. Hitoshi when back to talking about how I, and I quote, "bagged a baddie". I laughed when he said that, I need to tell Y/n that. He rolled his eyes at my laughter. Pushing me slightly, I pretended to fall and laugh harder.

"So dramatic"

1341 words



Low key a filler but very important build up with the past and the history with his characters as well as a relationship being built. Hopped you enjoyed! Please comment and vote. Have a goodnight lovely's!

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