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Hi guysss!
I haven't updated in a while.
Well I just want to say that my brain is as good as empty right now.

I don't know where to start from after that previous chapter.

I have different kind of scenes in my head but anytime I try to write it, I find it boring.

So if you want to help your fav author in this you can DM me and tell me some of your ideas for this book.

I don't know when next I'll publish but I'm sure it'll be soon.

Alsooooo thank you for your support in my other book called 'I am Not a Freak' it has 2k reads now and this one has 1.77k reads.

Thank you alot for the support but I'd really like it if all you you vote too I can't have a hundred views on one chapter and still get five votes, that's like very bad and it doesn't motivate me to write at all.

ALSO I need you to pour down your thoughts on any chapter in the comment section, I'm sure your comments will help me keep writing and making more books for you.

Yes the views are great but I'm still not getting any support from you guys at all 😪

At least thank me for updating and keeping you entertained by voting and commenting, not just for my book but for others as well 🥺

It's hard to write books nowadays and I'm sure you guys noticed that the last chapter was very short.
I just ran out of ideas for this book.

I don't know if I should just speed up everything in one chapter and make it the ending.
That will be very horrible cause there's still secrets to reveal but idk guys.
My brain just stopped working I guess it needs oil 🤔


*Running to ask billy thunderman where he buys his*

ANYWAYYYZZZZZ I think this is the end of my ranting 😌 but please consider what I said 😬

Soooo I also want to ask you guys what you want to see in the upcoming chapters so here are what's stuck in my brain engines.



Jimin finally talks things out with taehyung and accepts him into the relationship and they live happily ever after.


More angst as yoongi and jimin's affair comes out of it's hiding spot and where jimin and Somi does something incredibly unforgivable.

(Unforgiven I'm a villain~ okay I'll stop)


A new character that will cause chaos between taekook.


Jungkook dumps taehyung and the baby and focuses on Jimin.


Somi and Yoongi will change sides and side with Taehyung and Jungkook.


Jimin will leave Jungkook forever and taekook will leave happily ever after with their child.

SOOOO Tell me which of them you want.

🔴Indicate by writing A# or B# on the comment section or putting the colour (example = ⚪) of which u want💃

That's all for today see you next tiimmmmeeeeeee.


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