Chapter 44

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He pulled back and looked into her eyes, "I love you, Princess."

She smiled fondly at him, grateful for his caring nature and kissed the tip of his nose. "I love you too, Prince." She looked up at Owen who was standing behind her and smiled, "I love you, Dragon."

"I love you too, My Darling Girl," he said bending down to kiss her forehead.

She wrapped her hand around his wrist as he cupped her face then gasped as everything swirled. She found herself in a theater with a grand baby piano on the stage below her. There was a silver sparkling line floating towards the stage. Her eyes followed the sparking silver to see Victor across the stage.

"This looks great, Owen," Victor called out as she saw a grey line floating towards Victor.

"Sounds good too," Owen said as he approached the stage.

"Nyet," she whispered as she gripped the gold railing. She tried to call out, but her voice wouldn't rise above a whisper. "Please nyet," she pleaded as her chest tightened and tears formed in her eyes. The fear consumed her as her mind played out different scenarios of what could possibly happen next, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Victor sat down and started playing the first song he played with her as Owen typed away on his phone walking around Victor, their silver and grey auras surrounding them in a beautiful way. The second song started, and Owen slid his phone into his jacket pocket. "She is going to love this."

"I hope so," Victor nodded as he continued playing.

Alyona tried to move but she was frozen in place, she looked around, she needed to know what was going to happen, but something wasn't right. Why couldn't she move? Why was she stuck? Why couldn't she snap out of it? Why was this vision so different than before?

"Victor," A deep voice entered the theater and filled it, snapping Owen and Victor to the doorway instantly. The bile in Alyona's throat rose at their reaction.

"What are you doing here?" Victor asked standing next to Owen.


"It's MR. Blackbourne and you need to leave now," Owen said so calmly that Alyona lost her breath and her grip on the railing tightened.

"No, I don't think I will," The man chuckled as he slowly strolled down the aisle towards the two men. Alyona wanted to lean over to see who the mysterious man was, but she couldn't, she could only watch. Damn, she hated these visions, as much as they were a blessing, they were also a curse. "You two have an obligation to me."

"That would be incorrect," Owen said narrowing his eyes at the man. "We do not owe you anything."

"I own you," The man sneered as he continued to stroll towards them.

"The hell you do," Victor seethed as he stepped closer to Owen.

"Nyet," Alyona whispered, "pozhaluysta, ne oni (please, not them)." The man stepped into her view and if she had any oxygen in her lungs, it would have immediately been yanked out of her. Whereas the men had sparkles in their auras, this man's was heavy and cold. It was like he had knives and needles instead of glitter and sparkles. The temperature dropped at least twenty degrees since she saw the back of this man's head. He walked with such confidence and arrogance that her body trembled; he was bad news.

"Everything you are is because of me," the man had such a smug tone to him that Alyona wanted to hide, it was really messing with her. "Everything, even the parts of you that are you trying to deny for the one thing you were supposed to destroy."

"You're wrong," Victor glared, "we fully accept who we are."

"Liar," the man sneered in disgust. "If you did then you wouldn't have the enemy living in your house," he stepped onto the stage, "eating your food," he took another step toward then, "drinking from you," he was now toe to toe with them, "and fucking them. You disgust me."

"Then leave," Owen said like it was the most obvious answer in the world, "walk away and never come back. Can't say we will miss you either."

"Listen here, Boy," The man looked down at Owen. "I can end you right now and there won't be anything you can do about it." Owen just looked at him with a blank face and that seemed it frustrate the man even more. "I created you and I can destroy you."

Owen just continued to stare at him before he straightened his tie and cleared his throat calmly, "I'd like to see you try."

The man suddenly thrust a knife into Victor's chest then grabbed Owen's neck lifting him into the air, "I've been too tolerate of you, Son, but that ends now. So, unless you want the rest of your pathetic so called family to end up like your little rich boy toy, you will do as I say and accept who you are meant to be. Quit being a fucking spoiled conceited brat and do your job. You are a hunter Owen Blackbourne, so kill the witch or another of your boytoys die."

The man shoves the knife in Owen's ribs then drops him before cleaning his hand with a handkerchief while walking away, leaving Owen to crawl over to Victor who just stared up at him with empty eyes, the fire long gone.

"NYET!" Alyona finally managed to scream as the tears poured down her face.


Everything spun and tilted then went black.

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