Chapter 12

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Alyona woke up and sighed softly when she felt the arm around her stomach tightened. She waited until it loosened then she gently lifted it and slipped out of the bed. She covered Raven back up then quietly left the room. Walking down the hallway she forced back a smile as memories filled her head of times she spent here with Raven over the years.

She quickly found herself in the kitchen and without thinking she got to work making breakfast. She grabbed the flour and rest of the ingredients she needed out of the pantry then opened the fridge to grab the eggs, milk, and smiling she grabbed the blueberries as well. Setting everything out she began making blueberry pancakes from scratch.

A bright light came on and she jumped in surprise. "Oh, good morning Alyona," Marc said as he came into the kitchen. "What are you doing in here in the dark?"

"" she frowned in confusion as she tried to think of what to say.

"Oh, you're making breakfast?" he asked as he came over to her. "Wonderful, do you need any help?"

"Breakfast," she repeated while nodding.

"Correct," Marc smiled. "Do you need any help?"

"Um..." she bit her lip then pointed to the bacon, "Kay?"

"You got it Beautiful," he nodded, "I can make the bacon."

"Bacon," she repeated and he nodded while turning on the stove.

"Хорошая работа, Котенок. Khoroshaya rabota, Kotenok. (Good job, Kitten.)" Raven smiled as he sat in a chair at the island in the kitchen. "Марк любит готовить, поэтому он рад помочь вам приготовить завтрак. Еще он делает отличный кофе. Mark lyubit gotovit', poetomu on rad pomoch' vam prigotovit' zavtrak. Yeshche on delayet otlichnyy kofe. (Marc loves to cook so he is happy he can help you make breakfast. He makes excellent coffee as well.)"

"Кофе? Kofe? (Coffee?)" she asked making Marc look at her happily.

"Would you like some?" he asked and she nodded. "You got it, Beautiful. How do you like it?"

"Sweet," Raven answered for her. "Warm." Marc nodded with a smile on his face as Raven pulled Alyona to him after she flipped the pancakes. "Тебе нужно выпить, Котенок? Tebe nuzhno vypit', Kotenok? (Do you need to drink, Kitten?)" She shook her head then froze when he looked at her suspiciously. "Не ври мне, Алёна. Я знаю, когда ты лжешь мне. Ты отказываешься смотреть мне в глаза и крутишь пальцами. Ne vri mne, Alona. YA znayu, kogda ty lzhesh' mne. Ty otkazyvayesh'sya smotret' mne v glaza i krutish' pal'tsami. (Don't lie to me, Alyona. I know when you lie to me. You refuse to look me in the eyes and you twist your fingers.)" She looked at him shocked making him smirk. "Я знаю о тебе все. Я никогда не забывал, Котенок. Ты все еще чертовски тощий, так что пей, пока Марк сварит нам кофе и закончит готовить завтрак для всех, пока они не проснулись. YA znayu o tebe vse. YA nikogda ne zabyval, Kotenok. Ty vse yeshche chertovski toshchiy, tak chto pey, poka Mark svarit nam kofe i zakonchit gotovit' zavtrak dlya vsekh, poka oni ne prosnulis'. (I know everything about you. I never forgot, Kitten. Now you are still too damn skinny so drink while Marc makes us coffee and finishes making breakfast for everyone since they are waking up.)"

She tensed up and got out of his lap, "Я закончу готовить завтрак, он почти готов, обещаю. YA zakonchu gotovit' zavtrak, on pochti gotov, obeshchayu. (I'll finish cooking breakfast, it's almost done, promise.)"

"Oh hey, you already started, great," Luke smiled as he entered the kitchen. "What do you need help with?"

"Actually, Alyona started breakfast for us," Marc beamed, "I'm just taking over so she can drink. You can flip the bacon while I finish making coffee, if you want."

"You got it," Luke nodded heading over to the stove. "Thanks, Alyona for starting breakfast, it smells wonderful."

"Люк сказал спасибо, что начал завтракать, он чудесно пахнет. Теперь пей. Lyuk skazal spasibo, chto nachal zavtrakat', on chudesno pakhnet. Teper' pey. (Luke said thanks for starting breakfast, it smells wonderful. Now drink.)"

She looked at him confused and he looked back patiently. "Они действительно не против готовить? Ничего, что я не буду готовить? Oni deystvitel'no ne protiv gotovit'? Nichego, chto ya ne budu gotovit'? (They really don't mind cooking? It's okay for me not to cook?)"

Raven smiled as he pushed her hair out of her face. He took the hair tie from Gabe and fastened it at the nape of her neck. "Они любят готовить еду для всех. Я обещаю, что все в порядке. Если они добьются своего, вы никогда больше не будете готовить, если не захотите. Oni lyubyat gotovit' yedu dlya vsekh. YA obeshchayu, chto vse v poryadke. Yesli oni dob'yutsya svoyego, vy nikogda bol'she ne budete gotovit', yesli ne zakhotite. (They love to make meals for everyone. I promise it's okay. If they have their way, you will never cook again unless you want to.)"

She looked at him shocked then frowned, "Странный. Strannyy. (Strange.)"

Raven chuckled, "Привыкнешь, Котенок, теперь пей. Privyknesh', Kotenok, teper' pey. (You will get use to it, Kitten, now drink.)"

She huffed and rolled her eyes, "Еще такой властный. Yeshche takoy vlastnyy. (Still so bossy.)"

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