Chapter 21

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"Come along, Kitten, let get food," Raven smiled as he kissed her softly again. He stood and intertwined their fingers.

"Ninja Luke? North?" She asked noticing they were gone.

"Inside tell others you drink," Raven explained. "Luke probably brag you name him too."

"Bear?" She asked as they walked slowly.

"Promise it okay love all," he chuckled as he opened the door. "Promise no fighting."

"Who's fighting?" Corey asked as they walked into the house.

"Nyet," Raven shook his head. "Kitten worry jealous and fight nyet enough room love all. I tell nyet happen, plenty room love all and be love by all."

"She's open to joining us?" Corey asked hopefully.

"Da," Raven smiled proudly. "We go slow."

"Of course," the group nodded.

"Come on, food is ready," Marc said. "After that we can all watch a movie together."

After dinner everyone settled in the media room and started watching a movie. Just as she started to fall asleep, Raven's phone rang. "Cuddle with Silas, Kitten, he comfy."

"Mhmm," she hummed softly as Silas chuckled and gently pulled her until her head was laying on his shoulder. She whimpered then pouted so he carefully raised his arm so she could rest against his chest and he wrapped his arm around her. He moved his thumb up and down in a soothing manner and she hummed in content as she drifted back to sleep.

Alyona woke up and realized that she was laying beside someone who wasn't Raven. She carefully moved the hand and slipped out of his grasp. Walking along the halls she soon found herself at the door that led to the backyard and the swing. Needing to be outside amongst the stars and nature, she slipped past the threshold and headed to the swing. She smiled softly as she started swinging and looked up at the bright dots in the black sky.

"What are you doing out here this late at night, Baby?"

She looked around to see North heading her way. "What you doing?"

"I came out here to enjoy the stars," he admitted as he felt her watch him as he walked behind her then slowly started pushing her. "What are you doing out here?"

"Want to see stars," she whispered. "So pretty."

"They are," he nodded. They remained silent as North continued pushing her while they watched the star together. After a couple of hours North stopped the swing and turned her to face him. "Let's get you inside, I don't want you getting any colder and the temperature is dropping."

"Da," she nodded and he smiled.

He pulled her up and held her hand as they walked back inside. "Here you go, Baby," North said as he opened her door and she walked inside.

"North, have you seen Angelous Mou?" Silas asked coming down the hall.

"She was outside watching the stars with me," North nodded. "I just brought her back in."

"Sorry, Ocean," She said walking over to them.

"You're fine, Angelous Mou," he smiled. "I'm glad North had company. Get some sleep." He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Both of you." He kissed North too then turned to walk away but she grabbed his hand.

"More cuddle please?" she asked nervously.

"Of course," both smiled as they followed her into her room.

"Go get ready while I start the fireplace," North smiled gently. "Don't want you getting cold."

She grabbed some pajamas and headed to the bathroom. A few minutes later she came back and got into the middle of the bed. Silas joined her on one side and North on the other side. "Get some sleep, Baby," North whispered as she rolled over onto her stomach and both started rubbing her back as they had seen Raven do many times before.

Within minutes she was fast asleep, "So cute."

Silas and North looked up to see Raven smirking as he leaned against the open doorway between the two rooms. "Is this okay?" Silas asked.

"Da," Raven nodded as he watched them continue to run their fingers up and down her back. "She love cuddles. You love cuddles, all work. Like seeing Kitten with you, is cute. Sleep well."

"Good night," they said in unison as he pushed off the doorway and headed back to his room where Corey was flipping through channels trying to find something to watch.

Alyona woke the next morning and carefully slipped out of bed then headed downstairs into the kitchen. Pulling out ingredients, she started making breakfast.

"Oh you beat me to it again, Beautiful," Marc chuckled as he came into the kitchen. "Can I make you some coffee?"

"Please?" she asked and he nodded.

"With pleasure," he kissed the top of her head, "anything else I can help you with?"

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