Chapter 19

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"Welcome home Kitten," Raven smiled as he, Luke, and Alyona suddenly appeared in the front yard of their new house.

"Da?" she asked as he intertwined their fingers and put his hand on her lower back.

"Da," he nodded as they approached the porch.

He smiled as he barely applied pressure to her lower back to make her go up the stairs.

"О, это так красиво, Медведь. O, eto tak krasivo, Medved'. (Oh, it's so beautiful, Bear.)" She gasped as she took in the inside of the house.

Raven smiled, "She love house," he told the group.

"I fucking knew she would," Gabe beamed as he watched her entered the living room. He had gone through and added some small touches of Russia to help her see that they accepted her in the home.

Raven showed her around the rest of the house then led her up to her room. She gasped when Raven opened the door and she walked into a magical forest themed room. There was a canopy bed with purple fairy lights woven throughout the top of the bed. Gabe even put a small waterfall in the room so she could listen to the running water.

"You like?" Gabe asked as he followed behind them.

"Love!" She beamed as she took everything in awe.

"I'm glad," he smiled as she pulled Raven around excitedly.

"I don't think I have ever seen him this happy," Corey whispered to Axel.

"Yeah," Axel nodded, "she's what he needed. What we needed."

"Иди сюда, Котенок, я хочу тебе кое-что показать. Idi syuda, Kotenok, ya khochu tebe koye-chto pokazat'. (Come here, Kitten, I want to show you something.)" He said as he walked over to a door in the middle of the wall across from the bed. He opened the door and she walked through.

"Это твоя комната? Eto tvoya komnata? (Is this your room?)" She asked as she took in the dark room and smell of gun powder.

"Da," He nodded as he watched her look around his room. He thought he would be nervous but honestly he felt comfortable with her being in his room. "Мы хотели, чтобы ты был рядом со мной таким образом, если тебе что-нибудь понадобится, я рядом. My khoteli, chtoby ty byl ryadom so mnoy takim obrazom, yesli tebe chto-nibud' ponadobitsya, ya ryadom. (We wanted you to be next to me that way if you needed anything I am close by.)"

She hugged him, "Спасибо. Spasibo. (Thank you.)" She murmured into his chest.

He smiled and hugged her tightly then kissed the top of her head, "Course, Kitten." He looked up and sighed internally in relief seeing that all the guys were smiling also. "Мы оставим вас в покое, чтобы вы могли распаковать свои вещи и привыкнуть к своей комнате, пока мы пойдем готовить обед. Просто позови или позвони, когда закончишь, чтобы не заблудиться, маленький котенок. My ostavim vas v pokoye, chtoby vy mogli raspakovat' svoi veshchi i privyknut' k svoyey komnate, poka my poydem gotovit' obed. Prosto pozovi ili pozvoni, kogda zakonchish', chtoby ne zabludit'sya, malen'kiy kotenok. (We will leave you alone so you can unpack your things and get used to your room, while we go make some lunch. Just call out or mind link when you are done so you don't get lost, little Kitten.)"

"Эй, я не виноват, что ты великан! Ey, ya ne vinovat, chto ty velikan! (Hey, it's not my fault you are a giant!)" She pouted while slapping his chest, making him burst out laughing.

He kissed the top of her head again then left after the rest of the group while leaving the door open so he could still hear her. Once they entered the kitchen Corey smirked, "You're really happy."

"Da," Raven nodded, "I have full heart now." He grew serious, "You okay?"

"Of course," Axel nodded, "I promise we are all okay with Doll being here with us. She completes us."

"Raven, get over here and make sure I'm making this correctly," Marc called over as he cooked.

Just as Marc and Raven were finishing up, with Luke watching, Alyona entered the kitchen, "Perfect timing, Kitten, come taste," Raven said without turning around then said it again in Russian.

"How?" She asked as she walked over to them.

"Because I know my kitten," he smirked as he held out the spoon.

"Solyanka?" She asked shocked looking at the soup.

"Know it's your favorite," he smiled. "Marc made it."

"Yay," She beamed as she hugged Marc then blushed and quickly rushed back over to Raven.

"You're welcome," Marc smiled as Raven smiled down at her.

"Proud," Raven said as he watched her taste it.

"Yum," she smiled. "Ready?"

"Da go sit," Raven nodded as he made her a bowl.

"Bossy," She rolled her eyes but went to go sit.

"Kitten," he said as he placed the bowl in front of her. "Okay?"

"Da," She nodded, "Я нервничаю, но я пытаюсь. У тебя здесь хорошая жизнь, ты наконец-то счастлива, я не хочу ее рушить. YA nervnichayu, no ya pytayus'. U tebya zdes' khoroshaya zhizn', ty nakonets-to schastliva, ya ne khochu yeye rushit'. (I'm nervous but I'm trying. You have a good life here, you're finally happy, I don't want to ruin it.)"

He knelt down and gripped her chin, "Я счастлив, потому что ты, наконец, здесь с нами. Я полон, потому что теперь у меня есть и ты. Вы ничего не портите, вы делаете нас цельными. Вы делаете нас лучше, потому что теперь мое беспокойство ушло. Наконец-то мой котенок вернулся на свое место, со мной. YA schastliv, potomu chto ty, nakonets, zdes' s nami. YA polon, potomu chto teper' u menya yest' i ty. Vy nichego ne portite, vy delayete nas tsel'nymi. Vy delayete nas luchshe, potomu chto teper' moye bespokoystvo ushlo. Nakonets-to moy kotenok vernulsya na svoye mesto, so mnoy. (I'm happy because you are finally here with us. I'm complete because I have you now too. You aren't ruining anything, you are making us complete. You are making us better because now my worry is gone. I finally have my kitten back where she belongs, with me.)"

She smiled softly, "О Медведь... O Medved'... (Oh Bear...)"

He smirked, "143."

She giggled, "637."

"Oy, what the fuck does that mean?" Gabe asked suddenly.

"Tell?" Raven asked and she nodded.

Raven kissed her forehead then stood behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders. "When we kids we find out English hardest language to learn. So, we decide we talk English code so parents no one understand. Then Kitten read code where numbers mean letters of words, makes more difficult to solve. Kitten get anxiety panic lot because start get visions. People try kidnap say work for me. I kill them."

"Professional Russian," She smiled making him beam.

"Da," he nodded, "We make code just us."

"143637," she smiled as he braided her hair so she could eat the soup.

"What does it fucking mean?" Gabe asked excitedly.

Raven chuckled, "I love you always and forever."

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