Chapter 7

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"What's going on, Raven?" Corey asked as he followed him down the hall with everyone following.

"I KILL HIM!" He shouted as he shoved one of his father's men out of his way. "I RIP HIM APART! HE'S DEAD, I KILL HIM!"

"Who?" Nikolai asked as Raven burst into his office. "Who we kill?"

"Where is he?" Raven growled as he shoved another man out of his way. "Where?"

"Who Son?" Natasha asked coming to stand in front of him. "Who?"

"Alexsei!" Raven shouted as he clenched his fists, "Where is he?"

"Nyet know," Nikolai shook his head, "Nyet find years."

"Why think Brother?" Natasha asked.

"He obsessed with her," Raven growled. "Member? He say she belong him."

"He child," Natasha shook her head, "Brother just kid say that."

"He leave after she disappear," Nikolai frowned as he sat at his desk. "Barely visit more."

"My brother nyet take her," Natasha shook her head. "He nyet crazy."

"Are you sure about that?" Axel asked.

"Da," she frowned, "He had crush but nyet obsess...oh god," she paled then grabbed the trash can and threw up. "I...I...I..."

"What?" Nikolai asked and she held up her hand. An image showed up on the wall. The image started to move and they realized that it was a memory.

"Алексей, какой чудесный сюрприз! Aleksey, kakoy chudesnyy syurpriz! (Alexsei, what a wonderful surprise!)" She beams as she hugs her brother. "Что привело тебя, братишка? Chto privelo tebya, bratishka? (What brings you by, little brother?)"

"Я вышла замуж. YA vyshla zamuzh. (I got married.)" He said smirking as he adjusted his tie.

"Действительно? Как чудесно! Кто она? Знаем ли мы ее? Когда мы сможем с ней встретиться? Deystvitel'no? Kak chudesno! Kto ona? Znayem li my yeye? Kogda my smozhem s ney vstretit'sya? (Really? How wonderful! Who is she? Do we know her? When can we meet her?)" She asks excitedly. "Ты должен привести ее на семейный ужин в эти выходные. Ty dolzhen privesti yeye na semeynyy uzhin v eti vykhodnyye. (You must bring her to family dinner this weekend.)."

He shook his head, "Она очень застенчива, может быть, как-нибудь в другой раз. Ona ochen' zastenchiva, mozhet byt', kak-nibud' v drugoy raz. (She is extremely shy, maybe some other time.)"

"Расскажите нам о ней. Rasskazhite nam o ney. (Tell us about her.)" Nikolai said curiously. "Как вы познакомились? Знаем ли мы ее? Kak vy poznakomilis'? Znayem li my yeye? (How did you meet? Do we know her?)"

"Я познакомился с ней через друзей. Она зашла, чтобы дать другу книгу в кафе, пока мы обедали. Мы мгновенно нашли общий язык и просто знали, что мы принадлежим друг другу. YA poznakomilsya s ney cherez druzey. Ona zashla, chtoby dat' drugu knigu v kafe, poka my obedali. My mgnovenno nashli obshchiy yazyk i prosto znali, chto my prinadlezhim drug drugu. (I met her through friends. She stopped by to give a friend a book at a cafe while we were having a lunch meeting. We instantly hit it off and we just knew we belonged together.)" He beamed, "Мы встретились после встречи и с тех пор неразлучны. Я понял, что она моя, как только увидел ее. Я должен был иметь ее, и она чувствовала то же самое. Мы принадлежим друг другу, это просто должно было быть. Это как вы двое. Мы родственные души. My vstretilis' posle vstrechi i s tekh por nerazluchny. YA ponyal, chto ona moya, kak tol'ko uvidel yeye. YA dolzhen byl imet' yeye, i ona chuvstvovala to zhe samoye. My prinadlezhim drug drugu, eto prosto dolzhno bylo byt'. Eto kak vy dvoye. My rodstvennyye dushi. (We met after the meeting and have been inseparable since. I knew she was mine the moment I laid eyes on her. I had to have her and she felt the same. We belong together, it was just meant to be. It's like you two. We're soulmates.)" He ran his hand through his hair and she frowned noticing something.

"Почему этот браслет выглядит таким знакомым, брат? Pochemu etot braslet vyglyadit takim znakomym, brat? Why does that bracelet look so familiar, Brother?)" She asked looking at the thin silver chain link bracelet.

"Ты подарил его мне на мой день рождения в прошлом году. Ty podaril yego mne na moy den' rozhdeniya v proshlom godu. (You gave it to me for my birthday last year.)"

"LIES!" Raven shouted throwing a vase at the memory.

"Da," she nodded as Nikolai held her close to him. "I remember now. I so sorry, Son. I so sorry."

"You gave Alyona that bracelet, didn't you, Raven?" Corey asked softly.

"Da," Raven nodded, "Sixteen birthday. Gave ring also."

"This," Natasha whispered as she held her hand up again and there on the wall was an image of the man with dark brown hair and goatee smirking at them. His almost black eyes held nothing behind them as he gripped his tie and there on his pinky was a silver band with a paw print engraved on it.

"ARGH!" Raven shouted as he picked up a glass and chunked it at the wall, gasping as the glass shattered into a million pieces. "I KILL HIM!"

"I so sorry, Son," Natasha sobbed, "I so sorry."

"Nyet fault, Mother," he said trying to calm down. "Nyet fault. I swear I kill him. Know Uncle but I kill him."

"Nyet family," She shook her head. "Family nyet do this."

"Where can we find him?" Owen asked staring at the image of the man that caused so much pain to one of his best friends. He was going to pay for this. "When was this memory?"

"Five year."

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