17) Out of the frying pan into the inferno

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Ava sat on the bed as she let tears fall still not over the fact that Toby was A.

Not wanting her to be alone Spencer convinced Ava to stay the night with her as the two stayed with each other all night. Neither one of them talked to the girls, Jason, Mike, or anyone else.

They stayed to themselves mostly they weren't even sure what to say to each other. And they stayed like that till they had to meet up with Hanna and Aria.


"Still recovering" Hanna asked causing Spencer to look at her and Aria looked at Ava worriedly as she hasn't said a word.

"From the anniversary dinner" Hanna said. "Yeah, yeah" Spencer said. "Was he surprised" Aria asked. "Mm hmm it was a really big surprise" Spencer said.

"Ava, are you okay" Aria asked her. "Yeah, fine just a lot on my mind" Ava said.

"Where were you last night were you with Caleb" Aria asked Hanna.

"No, he's being really weird every time I try to make plans with him, he says he's busy, but he won't tell me what he's doing" Hanna said.

"That is weird" Ava said. "Why don't you just ask him be honest" Aria said.

"Wow it's like the world's, fattest man giving dieting tips hello you're the one who's sitting on a secret the size of the Natterhorn" Hanna said.

"Okay if you're talking about Fitz and the kid, I'm gonna tell him today and the goal was never to keep it from him I'd wake up every morning with the intention of telling him and then I'd go to sleep every night feeling guilty that I didn't" Aria said.

"At least you have your afternoons free" Hanna said. "Nice bit of support Hanna oh and by the way it's Matterhorn Muh" Aria said.

"Aren't you the one who's supposed to be correcting her" Aria asked Spencer. "What" Spencer said. "Hey what's wrong with you" Aria asked Spencer.

"Uh nothing we didn't really get much of an anniversary cause Toby had to get up early for work the next day" Spencer said. "That sucks" Aria said.

"Yeah, it does" Spencer said as Aria kept looking at Ava who was barely speaking.

"Listen um I'm gonna skip the brew today cause, I have a lot of reading to catch up on for English, so I'll catch you guys at lunch" Spencer said and left.

"I think I'll go with her I have a test coming up anyways I could use a study buddy" Ava said and left.


"Hey, I been looking for you and Ava" Emily said once she walked into the bathroom where she saw Spencer and Ava. "Did you get my text" Emily asked.

"Yeah, we did" Ava said and faced Emily with Spencer. "Yeah, you said that you found some of Ali's writing in an old notebook" Spencer said.

"It's an entire conversation between Ali and a friend but none of us recognize the friend's handwriting" Emily said. "Sorry I have to get to class" Spencer said.

"You don't get it Ali wasn't sharing makeup tips with this person they were talking about a guy that Ali was secretly involved with" Emily said.

"They call him the beach hottie" Emily said. "Was Ian ever a lifeguard" Emily asked.

"I don't know but Melissa might okay sorry Em I've really got to get to class" Spencer said.

"Maybe we can discuss this another time" Ava said going to leave with Spencer when Emily stopped them.

"Spencer, Ava, Ali was scared of this guy or at least scared to tell him something" Emily said.

"Okay well good luck figuring it out" Spencer said. "What" Emily said.

"Maybe she was just scared to tell him that she was slutting it up in three different zip codes in one summer" Spencer said. "Spence" Ava said.

"What are you saying" Emily asked. "I'm saying that Ali wasn't loyal to any of us so why do we continue to be loyal to her I mean why should we care what happens to her what happened to her" Spencer asked. "Because we do care" Emily said.

"I think that I need to learn to stop" Spencer said. "Look Em I want to help I do but I just I can't okay I can't sorry I hope you and Spence figure this out" Ava said and quickly left.

"Is she okay" Emily asked Spencer. "Yeah, she just she needs a minute" Spencer said.


Ava was laid on Mike's lap and when Mike looked down, she saw Ava shed a tear as he quickly wiped it away.

"Ava, are you going to tell me what's wrong" Mike asked. "I can't it just it's too awful please just be here for me" Ava said.

"Okay" Mike said and started playing with her hair. Aria walked by when she saw them and looked at Mike. Mike looked at Aria once he noticed her.

"Is she" Aria started to ask when Mike interrupted shaking his head.

Aria made her way into the room sitting on Ava's other side and held her hand.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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