6) Never letting go

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Jason drove up to Ava's and parked the car. "Thanks for the ride" Ava said and Jason nodded.

"Hey, don't forget what I said just because I'm your dad doesn't mean everything changes" Jason said.

"I know and I promise we will figure this out I want to know you well as my dad" Ava said.

"I know what you meant" Jason said and Ava smiled.

"If you ever need anything or just need away call me and I'll come get you I'll have a room ready for you" Jason said and Ava smiled.

"Will do" Ava said and Jason smiled. Ava got out of the car and Jason waited till Ava was in the house before driving off.


As soon as Ava walked inside and closed the door, she saw Jason drove off and leaned against the door taking everything in.

Toby walked into the living room when he saw her and went to her. "Ava there you are" Toby said. "Where were you" Toby asked. "I was at Jason's" Ava said.

"What why" Toby asked. "I needed answers" Ava said. "Answers to what" Toby asked.

"Did you know" Ava asked instead of answering his question. "Know what" Toby asked.

"That I'm adopted" Ava said. "What no, of course not" Toby said. "You're really adopted" Toby asked and Ava nodded.

"Did you find out who your parents were" Toby asked. "I'm not sure about my mother but from what I hear I'm not really interested in knowing her, but my father is" Ava said and took a breath. "My father is Jason DiLaurentis" Ava said.

"What" Toby said. "He had me at a young age and then when he left to get my mom some food or whatever by the time, he got back my mom left with me she didn't think he would be a good dad she never gave him a chance to prove himself" Ava said and Toby stayed silent.

"I'm a DiLaurentis" Ava said and faced Toby. "Do you hate me" Ava asked. "What no" Toby said. "Why would I hate you" Toby asked.

"My aunt is Alison DiLaurentis the one girl who got you, thrown in jail for something you didn't do" Ava said and Toby held Ava's hands. "You're my sister I'll always look out for you" Toby told Ava.

"No matter who your related to okay" Toby said and Ava nodded.

"Jason wants to get to know me I told him we could work something out maybe I can stay with him every other week or the weekends" Ava said.

"Of course, I'm sure we can work something out you deserve to know your dad but just remember you'll always be my baby sister" Toby said and Ava smiled and hugged Toby.

"Thank you" Ava said. "I'd do anything for you" Toby said.


"Why would A show us that part of the video" Aria asked. "To keep us distracted for when the next attack is launched" Hanna said. "Or to tell us there's more to what happened that night" Emily said.

"Guys Ian tried to kill me in the bell tower to get back his perverted videos" Spencer said. "Ugh gross didn't need the reminder" Ava said.

"And he went after Ali for the same reason" Spencer said. "Yeah, but A had us convinced that Ian killed Alison and now it's what two miles from the kissing rock to Ali's house" Emily said.

"My dear aunt Ali okay that sounds weird now that you think about it" Ava said.

"I mean did she turn off the camera and walk home in the dark alone" Emily asked. "Yeah, someone could've been waiting for her and surprised her when she got home" Hanna said.

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