11) Single Fright Female

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"Okay nothing fits over this" Hanna said trying to cover her bandaged wound.

"Then maybe you should stop trying to cover it come on it's like a battle scar everyone loves those" Ava said and Hanna looked at her.

"I don't want anyone knowing about my battle scar" Hanna said. "Well Hanna if you just wait until your mom goes to work then we don't have to sneak around" Spencer said.

"No, I am not going to school with a big open wound" Hanna said. "I thought you said Wren stitched it up" Spencer said.

"Isn't that what doctors do if he didn't then maybe he shouldn't be one" Ava said. "He did but I have to let it breathe or else it could get infected" Hanna said and pulled out a skirt.

"Have you always had that" Ava asked. "Wow when did you get that" Spencer asked.

"Eighth grade" Hanna said. "Did it come with castanets" Spencer asked. "It's not Spanish It's Greek I played peasant last in Mamma Mia" Hanna said.

"Can you give me some pins please" Hanna asked after putting it on. "I don't remember you in Mamma Mia" Spencer said.

"Good because I looked fat and hideous, and I had to stand next to a cardboard goat" Hanna said.

"Don't say that I bet you were still beautiful just like you always are" Ava said as Spencer helped her pin the skirt on.

Spencer heard Hanna's phone ringing and looked at the caller ID before showing Hanna. "Um Wren is calling you" Spencer said and Hanna declined it before tossing it on the bed.

"Something up" Ava asked. "Why don't you wanna talk to him" Spencer asked and got no answer.

"What's going on with you and Wren" Spencer asked. "Nothing" Hanna said. "Doesn't seem like nothing" Ava said. "Hanna, Hanna come on look at me" Spencer said before going to face her.

"Okay I know that A has made it incredibly hard for you and Caleb" Spencer said. "Hard try impossible" Hanna said.

"So, what is Wren moving in" Spencer asked. "Look I know that he can be persuasive I mean the dimples, the accent" Spencer said. "Okay can we not talk about this" Hanna asked.

"Hanna, A has something on all of us whoever he, she, it is even me, but A didn't count on me" Ava said and Hanna and Spencer looked at her.

"Yeah, surprise I'm not A's soft spot anymore" Ava said and sighed. "But more on that another day" Ava said. "Are you sure" Spencer asked and Ava nodded. "You are not the first girl to fall for Downtown Grabby hello I've been there" Spencer said going back to Hanna.

"Well, I'm not there" Hanna said and the doorbell rang. "Who's that" Ava asked. "Now what" Hanna said and looked outside before looking back at Spencer and Ava.

"Ugh is she ever gonna leave" Hanna asked and they all went downstairs when they heard Ashley talking to Ted.

"Police" Ashley said. "The contractor who's renovating found something under a black pew looks like it's been there for a while" Ted said.

"What is it" Ashley asked. "Thumb drive I plugged it into my computer hoping I could return it to whoever lost it" Ted said. "It's not mine" Ashley said.

"That's not why I brought it here it turned out to be a number of video files the first one I opened Hanna's in it" Ted said and Hanna, Spencer, and Ava looked at each other for a split second.

"Looks like she's hanging out with a group of friends in a bedroom just talking but I don't think they knew they were being filmed" Ted said.

"There was a bully targeting Hanna and her friends last year" Ashley said. "That's what I threw to get away from Ian" Spencer whispered.

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